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120 评论



136 评论


饿拉网好人即可辽东散人规划开发工会的人空间规划洞若观火人电话卡 恋得更好速度更快师德师风管换热哦呜电控柜颠三倒四开了个考点偶搜而二十多更好的历史杰克伦敦输光了快点进货感到后悔让人如的人后果看得考核认定刻录光碟还是两个蝴蝶飞过谋划好的话 蝶恋花干临时工容量款到发货古人会立刻大喊ur化功大法人的规定分类给客户任何搞好人际获得更好电流输入会给大家和复合管任何个人核动力好的深刻领会光荣感观看角度了复合管上看来的刚好翻到该如何购入刚喝完如果ihgdlghdkhgruh 人的火罐可乐可否地说韩庚 如果人多速率高达高考辅导哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈聚少离多

288 评论



80 评论


我觉得传统教育方式的培训学校效果都不怎么样,学好英语最好是一对一保姆式前期中教后期外教,助教全程帮助钱才不会花的冤枉,建议你试试现在很受追捧的电话英语e-say吧!至少你不用担心没时间学英语,这个不用你跑补习班,课程时间你来安排, 这里有我收藏的免费课,有兴趣的话就来听一听,反正不要钱,我也是听了课才决定要学他们的课程的。真的很好。

212 评论


In addition to the daily work done outside, as the soldiers head to the end of the foreman, the most should be noted that coordination between the staff and employees; tune the relationship between upper and lower levels; and coordination of the relationship between restaurant and kitchen. ---- It is very hard.The main responsibilities are:. Supervision, coordination of services for this group of employees.. Check to book tables in the situation, conditions to ensure adequate supplies and to meet the health standards.. Check the staff instruments, communicate store standards, and implementation.. Resolve customer complaints, if necessary, timely reporting.. Assist staff shuttle guests, a la carte, and services.. Reply request, after the meal advice to help foot the bill, sending guests.. Completion of specific tasks, and recorded.. Good attendance records, report to higher attendance.. Satisfactory completion of shift work, report to higher authorities led by the staff after the work permit.The main training employees;Service skills and standards; how to communicate with people; how of makeup; swing sets standards; respond to customer complaints; back of the menu and use the menu; familiar with the dishes; shop shop regulations chapter; appraisal system; how to clean and standards; Western knowledge of the origin and dishes ; English.These are the basic training attendants, but it is the foreman must be skilled.2//////In addition to the daily done outside, as the schools with both head to the end of the foreman, the owners should be noted will coordination between the staff and In addition to completing daily work beyond, as a soldier head will finish the captain, most should pay attention to, the coordinated staff and employee relationship; Attune to subordinate relations; And coordinating the relationship between dining-room and kitchen. - quite difficult.Main responsibilities:. Supervise, coordinate the employees of the service work.. Check book Taiwan situation, condition to ensure adequate supplies, and conform to the hygiene standards.. Employee check meter, convey in-store standards, and implementation.. Claims, it is necessary to report in time.. Assist employee has guest, order, and service.. Reply to the requirements of the guests and postprandial consultation, assist the check, send bin.. Accomplish specific tasks and record.. Completes the attendance records and report to superior attendance.. Properly complete on-duty work, report to superior permitted lead staff from work.Employees main training content;Service skills and standards; How to communicate with others, How to turn soft, Table setting standards; Coping aftersale; Back menu and using a menu, Familiar with food, Store rules shop chapter, Checking attendance system; How to clean and standards; Western origin and dishes knowledge, Spoken English.These are the basic training content, but waiter foreman must be practiced. 软件翻译的参考下,稍作修改不就可以了,呵

275 评论


以培养餐饮总监、餐饮部经理、行政总厨、厨师长、高技能烹饪技术型和餐饮管理人才为目标。 (专业理论知识丰富,专业技术能力强,熟练掌握本院校所属菜系的制作精通八大菜系代表菜,经典风味名菜和市场流行菜、吊高汤、特色菜,融合菜、私房菜、官府菜、药膳、宫廷菜制作。高档原料的涨发及制作。熟悉中西式面点、西餐、雕刻、冷拼、面塑、火锅、卤水、糖艺果酱画、烧烤、调酒咖啡技能操作。能胜任设计零点菜单及各类不同档次宴席菜单与制作;掌握营养配餐知识及烹饪英语;精通餐饮管理、厨房成本核算、酒店运营,市场营销等相关知识并具备独立创业、创新能力强的综合型人才

125 评论


in addition to finish my daily job, as a supervisor, i will coornate the relationship among my staff, between my supervisers and my fellows, and between the restaurant and kitchen. it is pretty hard.my main jobs:supervise and help my teamates' job~check the sign-in list, make sure the supplies are enough and qualified.check staff's appearances and make sure they are qualified.slove the report of guests and report them to my supervisors when necessaryhelp my staff for hosting, ordering, and servicereply the orders of guests, ask them for opinions after dinner. help them check out.finish special mission and make notesmake sign in form and report it to the supervisorstraining camps:standard and skills of service; how to communicate with others; how to put on make ups; how to set up the dinner table properly; how to deal with the complaining of guests; remembering and using the order form; familiar with all the dishes~ the company rules~ standard for working~ the standard for cleaning up~ the creation and knowdlege of western food and coloquial englishthis is the basic information for waiters or waitresses, but is what a chief be master at我知道翻译的乱七八糟~我也没什么这方面的知识~但是希望可以帮到你~我把大体框架打出来~个别单词的使用你在自己看看~i tried my best~ this is toooo professional for me~ not my specialty..

232 评论


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