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司机driver, 其动词形式drive,驾驶,发动的意思
230 评论


机车常用英语词汇   导语:机车是牵引或推送铁路车辆运行,而本身不装载营业载荷的自推进车辆,俗称火车头。下面是我收集整理的.有关机车的英语词汇,欢迎参考!   机车 locomotive   机车种类 types of locomotive   蒸汽机车 steam locomotive   内燃机车;曾用名"柴油机车" diesel locomotive   电力机车 electric locomotive   燃气轮机车 gasturbine locomotive   动车组 motor train unit;motor train set   动车 motot car   拖车 trailer   铁路干线机车 railway trunk line locomotive   工矿机车 industrial and mining locomotive   客运机车 passenger locomotive   货运机车 freight locomotive; goods locomotive   调车机车 shunting locomotive; switcher   小运转机车 locomotive for district transfer; transfer locomotive train   路用机车 locomotive of service train; service locomotives   配属机车 allocated locomotive   非配属机车 un-allocated locomotive   支配机车 disposal locomotive   非支配机车 un-disposal locomotive   运用机车 locomotive in operation   检修机车 locomotive under repairing   备用机车 locomotive in reserve   封存机车 locomotive stored up   待修机车 locomotive waiting for repair   机车出租 leased locomotive   机车报废 locomotive retirement   机车储备 locomotive reservation; locomotive storage   机车整备 locomotive servicing; locomotive running preparation   机车整备能力 locomotive service capacity   机车技术规范 locomotive technical specification   转向架中心 bogie pivot center   转向架中心距离 distance between bogie pivot centers; bogie pivot pitch   机车全轴距 locomotive total wheel base   机车转向架轴距 locomotive wheel base of bogie   机车固定轴距 locomotive rigid wheel base   机车长度 locomotive overall length   机车宽度 locomotive width   机车高度 locomotive height   机车计算重量 calcuated weight of locomotive   机车整备重量 locomotive service weight   机车重量 locomotive weight   机车粘着重量 locomotive adhesive weight   机车重量分配 weight distribution of locomotive   轮对横动量 lateral play of wheel set   机车噪声 locomotive noise   机车万吨公里能耗 energy consumption per 10;000 t-km of locomotive   机车用煤 coal for locomotive   机车用柴油 diesel oil for locomotive   机车用电 electricity for locomotive   机车用换算煤 converted coal for locomotive   机车用润滑剂 lubricant for locomotive   机务段 locomotive depot   机车运用段 locomotive running depot   机车检修段 locomotive repair depot   机车折返段 locomotive turnaround depot   列车无线电调度系统 train radio dispatching system   机车监控记录装置 locomotive supervise and record apparatus   机车故障 locomotive failure   机车牵引特性 locomotive tractive characteristic   机车效率 total locomotive efficiency   机车轮周效率 efficiency of locomotive at wheel rim   机车传动功率 transmission efficiency of locomotive   机车牵引特性曲线 locomotive tractive characteristic curve   机车轮周功率曲线 locomotive power curve at wheel rim   机车牵引力曲线 locomotive tractive effort curve   机车预期牵引特性曲线 predetermined tractive characteristic curve of locomotive   机车功率 locomotive power   加速 acceleration   减速 deceleration   恒速 constant speed   加速力 acceleration force   减速力 deceleration force   列车制动 train braking   制动方式 brake mode   空气制动 air brake   真空制动 vacuum brake   动力制动 dynamic brake   液力制动 hydraulic brake   电阻制动 rheostatic brake   再生制动 regenerative brake   电空制动 electropneumatic brake   蓄能制动 energy-storing brake   涡流制动 eddy current brake   磁轨制动 electromagnetic rail brake   踏面制动 tread brake   盘型制动 disc brake   机车制动周期 locomotive braking period   机车制动距离 locomotive braking distance   机车每轴闸瓦作用力 brake shoe force per axle of locomotive   制动 braking   常用制动 service braking; service application   最大常用制动;常用全制动 full servive braking; full service application   阶段制动 graduated application   自然制动 unintended braking; undesired braking   紧急制动 emergency braking; emergency application   意外紧急制动 undesirable emergency braking;UDE   机车分配阀 locomotive distributing valve   切换阀 transfer valve   自动制动阀 automatic brake valve   单独制动阀 independent brake valve   滤尘止回阀 strainer check valve   机车紧急放风阀 locomotive emergency vent valve   高压保安阀 high pressure safety valve   低压保安阀 low pressure safety valve   无载起动电空阀 no-load starting electropneumatic valve   油水分离器 oil-water separator   总风缸 main air reservoir   空气干燥器 air dryer   撒砂装置 sanding device   砂箱 sand box   撒砂阀 sanding valve   撒砂器 sandingsprayer   紧急撒砂 emergency sanding   自动撒砂 automatic sanding   间隙效应 slack action   L/V比值 L/V ratio   弓网关系 pantograph-contact line relation   机车牵引区段 locomotive tractive district   机车交路 locomotive routing   机车乘务制度 locomotive crew working system   机车包乘制 system of assigning crew to designated locomotive   机车轮乘制 locomotive crew pooling system   机车随乘制 locomotive caboose crew system   机车乘务组 locomotive crew   司机 driver   副司机 assisant driver   指导司机 driver instructor   司炉 fireman   机车运用指标 index of locomotive operation   机车出入段作业 preparation of locomotive for leaving and arriving at depot   机车全周转 complete turnround of locomotive   机车在段停留时间 detention time of locomotive at depot   机车全周转距离 diatance of one complete turnround of locomotive   机车全周转时间 period of one complete turnround of locomotive   机车走行公里 locomotive running kilometers   换算走行公里 converted running kilometers   沿线走行公里 running kilometers on the road   辅助走行公里 auxiliary running kilometers   本务走行公里 leading locomotive running kilometers   单机走行公里 light locomotive running kilometers   重联机车走行公里 multi-locomotive running kilometers   机车日车公里 average daily locomotive running kilometers   机车平均牵引总重 average gross weight hauled by locomotive   机车日产量 average daily output of locomotive   运用机车台数 number of locomotive in service   机车需要系数 coefficient of locomotives requirment   单机运行 light locomotive running   双机牵引;双机重联牵引 double locomotive traction   多机牵引 multi-locomotive traction   主机;本务机车 leading locomotive   机车超重牵引 traction for train exceed mass norm   机车调度命令 locomotive diapatching order   机务段运行揭示 running service-bulletin of depot   司机运转保单 driver’s service-report; driver’s log   司机室 driver’s cab   司机操纵台 driver’s desk   司机模拟操纵装置 simulator for driver train-handling   优化操纵 optimum handling; optimum optimum operation   机车自动操纵 automatic locomotive operation   机车保养 locomotive maintenance   机车检修 locomotive inspection and repair   机车检修修程 classification of locomotive repair   机车大修 locomotive overhaul [repair]; locomotive general overhaul   架修 intermediate repair   定修 periodical repair; light repair   蒸汽机车洗修 steam locomotive boiler washout repair   机车厂修 locomotive repair in works   机车段修 locomotive repair in depot   日常检查 routine inspection   机车临修 locomotive temporary repair   定期检修 repair based on time or running kilometers   状态检修 repair based on condition of component   换件大修 component exchange repair   配件互换修 repair with interchangeable component   预防维修制 preventive maintenance system   检修周期 period of inspection and repair   月检 monthly inspection   定检公里 running kilometers between predetermined repairs   定检时间 time between predetermined repairs   检修范围 scope of repairing course; scope of repair   超范围修理 repair beyond the scope of repairing course   检修停时 standing time under repair   集中化修理;集中修 centralization of repair   检修基本技术条件 fundamental technical requirements for repair and inspection   检修工艺规程 technological regulations for repair and inspection   检修作业程序 repair procedure; shop program   磨耗限度 limit of wear   检修限度 locomotive repair limit   机车专用设备 special equipment for locomotive operation   机车验收 acceptance of locomotive   机车试运转 locomotive trial run ;

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司机 driver

291 评论


Q:You are very punctual.A:Thank you, Sir. I'm a chauffeur. Generally speaking, a chauffeur must be punctual.Q:We've been looking over your application. You've more than ten years' experience in driving cars and trucks. Is it right?A:Yes, I learned to drive jeeps and trucks when I was serving in the army.Q:How long have you been driving?A:For eight years.Q:Would you mind showing me your driving license?A:Never mind. Here it is.Q:Now you are working in the Sanjiang Company, aren't you?A:Yes, I've been working there for three years as a chauffeur.Q:Then why are you leaving there?A:The only reason why I am leaving the present position is with the desire of improving myself.Q:By the way, what kind of driving licenses do you have?A:I have the driving license A.A:So I can drive either delivery trucks or cars or even buses.A:Besides, I have an electrician's license.Q:Any accidents?A:No. I think I'm a pretty careful driver.Q:Do you drink?A:Yes, a little; but I never drink before driving.A:When am I supposed to start working?Q:Starting from Monday. Bring your resume, driver's license and ID card with you when you come, and report to the personnel manager.PS:以上内容中,“A:”代表应征者,“Q:”代表主考官。---------------------------------------------------------------建议你去买一本下面的书,有空看看。出租车司机英语一本通 作者:赵擎天编著出版社:中国纺织出版社出版日期:2002-10-01作者简介 内容简介 《出租车司机英语一本通》是专门为出租车司机编撰的英语学习实用书籍,目的是使出租车司机面对外籍乘客时,轻松做到对答如流、应付自如。在编译此书的过程中,本人随机采访了上百名出租车司机朋友,根据他们的被实际工作和提出的希望,在内容的编排和配置上,采取了“正确实用”和“循序渐进”两大原则。

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