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今年夏天,又是一个暑假的开始,对我而言,这个暑假是最漫长的,也是最有意义的。下面是我给大家精心挑选的暑假总结英语作文,希望大家喜欢!供你参考和阅读!   暑假总结英语作文篇1   At the time of the holiday, the mood is extremely excited, thought to be able not to read, carefree play two months. For the first, two weeks, I hide in my room every day, except for three meals and the day is upstairs. From the third week, I thought I was bored at home and spent all day staring at the computer. Without the students and the teachers, the sound of lang lang was not heard, and everything around them became dull and empty.   Haven't the past one month, start looking forward to opening, remembering with the classmates together of the happy time, feel good long time, never felt such a long time.   In the second month, she followed her sister to the university of technology, where she was studying, to study and make lessons. Perhaps this time will pass a little faster, as if to kill time. The university is large, with four Bridges, three dining halls, two supermarkets, a library, a swimming pool, a store, a bookstore, a barbershop, a newsstand... Oddly enough, there is a kindergarten. I do my homework in the library, read books, and surf the Internet in my dormitory at night. Every day you can go to the supermarket to buy snacks, you can go to the off-campus for a cold drink every week, you can go shopping three times a month, and you can go to the movies. At first, I thought the life of college students was very laid-back. Then I found out that I was going to do research reports, write essays and be busy every day. College life is good, more meaningful, a good memory.   The summer vacation is finally over, and finally we can see the lovely classmates!   This summer is the end of another summer vacation.   暑假总结英语作文篇2   This summer vacation is going to pass, thinking about how this summer is going. There are so many wonderful things! Let me grow a lot.   What do I learn? To tell you the truth! I learned: saving. Try something I've never done before, such as attending a military summer camp, helping your mother do one thing you can do, and so on.   Let's start with the experience I learned to save!   At the military camp, we had just entered the barracks, and there was a sad feeling in our hearts. There was no air conditioning in the room, no television, no water dispenser, just two beds and a fan. Then the instructor asked us to put our luggage under our own bed and prepare to eat. When we arrived at the restaurant, the instructor asked us each to take a set of tableware, line up to buy rice, four dishes and a soup, but not as good as it was. I can't help but shed tears, I remember how well I feel at home! I ate a few can't stutter, is preparing to throw away the food, from being discovered by the instructor, instructor severely criticized me, said: "do you know what you pour out is not only a meal, is there anything else?" I doubt, instructor said: "there is sweat, this is the farmer uncle worked so hard to come out of" I suddenly understood: behold dishes, each all pain the meaning of this sentence. I thought of not eating like this at home, how I shouldn't eat like that! Such a small thing, want to save, should cherish other people's labor result.   At this military camp, there are still a lot of things that make me feel good and keep me growing, which is a memorable summer camp.   这个暑假快要过去了,回想着这个暑期的日子是怎么样过的,真是有精彩有很多收获!让我成长许多。   要说起我学到什么?告诉你吧!我学会了:节约。尝试过我从来没做过的事情,如:参加军事夏令营,帮妈妈做一件力所能及的事,等等。   先说说我学会节约的经历吧!   在军事夏令营的时候,我们刚走进军营,心中便有一种说不出的凄凉。看到一切都那么简陋,房间没有空调,没有电视,没有饮水机,就只有两张上下铺的床和一盏电风扇。随后教官让我们把自己的行李放在自己的床下,准备吃饭。来到餐厅,教官让我们每人取一套餐具,排队买饭,四菜一汤,说起还不错,可是没有一样好吃。我不禁落下了眼泪,想起在家的感觉多好啊!我吃了几口吃不下了,正准备把饭菜倒掉,被教官发现,教官狠狠批评了我,说:“你知道你倒掉的不仅是饭,还有什么吗?”我疑惑了,教官说:“还有汗水,这是农民伯伯辛辛苦苦种出来的”我顿时明白了:谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦这句话的含义。我想起在家这样不吃,那样不吃,是多么不应该呀!这么小小一件事,要节约,要珍惜别人的劳动成果。   在这次军事夏令营,还有很多事情让我觉得精彩,同时让我不断成长,这真是一次难忘的夏令营哪!   暑假总结英语作文篇3   It's a full holiday. My schedule is very compact, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning in Chinese, maths class, attend English training class two, four, six, do my homework in the afternoon, on Sunday afternoon in small rockets basketball training course, not every night swimming is playing basketball or riding a bicycle. I have completed the summer homework assigned by the school teacher and completed the Chinese, English summer homework, math and science summer work. Wrote nine composition "read < > a minute inductive", "read" the last war elephants > inductive ", "read < > of the echo inductive", "unforgettable hand", the elementary student's favorite TV show survey report, "this matter I did the right thing", "the home has the daddy", "tolerance", "unforgettable hand"; Read the book extra-curricular 21 "sunshine boy", "lei feng's story", "off-line mother", "the kid corps", "the kid's diary, les miserables," childhood ", "life is a moment - scream", "double the hound", the half-blood ChaiWang... ; Every day, I do a math problem of 1 page plus 4 dads. Complete the preview of the English PEP 4. My English training class is the first volume of the new concept English adult edition, every time the class answers questions, the exam is in the front of the class. I take part in Chinese, maths class, learned a lot of extra-curricular knowledge, every class performance excellent, full marks the final math exam, the teacher reward me a password.   It's a warm holiday. My dear grandma came from my hometown to ningbo to accompany me through the holiday. Grandma accompanies me to read books, tell stories, play CARDS and walk. Grandma gives me food for every meal, beef soup, beef stew, pork ribs and sea cucumber... Grandma made a lot of tricks to make me eat well. To tell you a little secret, I asked to sleep with grandma once a week, and grandma agreed, and I slept with grandma every time. Grandma is still my umbrella, every time my father loses his temper, she always stands up and puts her father down... It is. The sad thing is, grandma is going to go back to her hometown, dear grandma, when will you come back to stay with me again?   It's a healthy and happy holiday. This holiday, I got the care of my dear grandmother, father and mother, eat well, sleep well, play well, and exercise well. Participated in the community walk, film festival, essay contest and so on. I also went to hangzhou song city to play the jungle maze, strange street, water-splashing festival... I also saw the performance of the song town, the theme of which is to give me a day and a thousand years. I also skate in the real ice skating in vientiane city.   By the end of the fifth grade summer vacation, I must be serious and hard to study in the sixth grade.
212 评论


可以胡编吗? I have a very wonderful summer holiday.During these holidays,I have read many interesting books,they were really very nice.I also have complated my holiday homeworks very hard. I went to swam every day.So I became more taller. After this summer holidays,I will welcome the new grade,so I promiss I will do my best to study hard.Come on! 不用中文吧?有问题再找我~

206 评论


Summer holiday is coming to the end.I feel a little excited about such a beginning of a new term. First of all,I want to summarize my summer holiday.I think my holiday is full and i have followed my plan that made at the biginning of the holiday. Secondly,I want to make a wish to myself.I want to be more hardworking and nice. That's all my summary about the summer holiday.

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