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任务是日常生活中,通常指交派的工作,担负的职责、责任。在众多游戏中,有目的的指引玩家进行游戏活动,并给予玩家一定奖励的手段,即为游戏任务。那么你知道任务用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    任务英语说法1:   task    任务英语说法2:   mission   任务英语说法3:   assignment    任务的相关短语:   火星任务 Mission to Mars ; Mission Mars ; Mars Mission ; Mission Red Planet   任务并行 Task parallelism ; Thread-level parallelism ; Function parallelism ; Control parallelism   多任务 multitask ; multi-tasking ; tasking ; preemptive multitasking   任务计划 control schedtasks ; schtasks ; Task Scheduler ; Tlask Planning   关键任务 Mission Critical ; Critical Task ; key mission ; key task   任务模式 Mission Mode ; campaign mode ; Quest Mode ; MISSON    任务的英语例句:   1. They have a tendency to try to sidetrack you from your task.   他们总试图让你从你的任务中分心。   2. Their mission is simply to scout out places where helicopters can land.   他们的任务只是找到能够让直升机着陆的地方。   3. Just a few days ago, I finished a commission.   就在几天前,我完成了一项委托创作任务。   4. The first task was to fence the wood to exclude sheep.   第一项任务就是把树林围起来不让羊进去。   5. The first duty of a director is to recce his location.   主管的第一项任务是熟悉所在地区的情况。   6. His next job is to get us to the World Cup finals.   他接下来的任务是带领我们闯入世界杯决赛圈。   7. A debriefing would follow this operation, to determine where it went wrong.   这次行动之后将会有一个任务执行情况报告会,以便确定是哪里出了问题。   8. Sometimes a well-defined job becomes cluttered with self-imposed tasks.   有时一项职责明确的工作会因一些自愿承担的任务而乱作一团。   9. I was heading on a secret mission that made my flesh crawl.   我正要执行一项让我心惊肉跳的秘密任务。   10. His first job will be to project Glasgow as a friendly city.   他的第一项任务将是树立格拉斯哥作为一座友好城市的形象。   11. Meshing the research and marketing operations will be Mr. Furlaud's job.   把研究与市场运作紧密结合起来将成为弗劳德先生的工作任务。   12. He set himself manly tasks and expected others to follow his example.   他给自己定下了男子汉的任务,并希望别人效之。   13. The president knows his task is to fire up the delegates.   总统知道自己的任务就是唤起代表的热情。   14. That statement seemed designed to answer criticism of allied bombing missions.   那份声明似乎是专门就联合轰炸任务的批评作出反击。   15. Our big task for tomorrow .Wed.. is to get them exit visas.   明天(星期三)我们最重要的任务就是拿到他们的出境签证。
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