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148 评论(15)


Analysis on the present situation and development approach of the chinese private enterprises's brand strategy---taking the Wangzhihe brand strategy for AbstractIn the world today,with the further development of the market economy,the quality and price competition among the enterprises are under-developed,instead,the enterprises' comprehensive qualities like the images and service level gradually become the competition spots,and the brand strategy is making a big difference in these Concluding from the reality,most of the chinese private enterprises are lack of the perception towards the brand strategy,however,the good news is that some enterprises find the vast potential for future development by putting the brand strategy into practice,and the Beijing Wangzhihe food Holdings Limited is a good By taking the Wangzhihe for example as well as analyzing its brand strategy,the paper sums up experience and lessons,besides,important ways of completing the brand strategy are put forward in the paper as Keywords:brand strategy,Wangzhihe,private enterprise,希望能帮上你!!
222 评论(11)


289 评论(15)


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