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billiards 英 ['bɪljədz];美 ['bɪljɚdz]1.台球 Billiards;Cue Sports;pool ;billiard ball2.英式台球 English billiards ;Snooker balls我要和你打台球。I'll take you on at billiards.

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billiardsn.台球, 桌球, 弹子戏billiardsbil.liardsAHD:[b¹l“y…rdz] D.J.[6b!lj*dz]K.K.[6b!lj*dz]pl.n.(used with a sing. verb)Games (复数名词)(与单数动词连用)【游戏】 A game played on a rectangular cloth-covered table with raised cushioned edges, in which a cue is used to hit three small, hard balls against one another or the side cushions of the table.台球:一种在用布覆盖的四边凸起的长方形桌子上进行的游戏,用弹子球棒使三个小硬球相互撞击或撞击桌边One of several similar games, sometimes using a table with pockets, as in pool.台球戏,桌球戏:通常用带有落袋的桌子的一种相似的游戏,如赌博游戏French billard 法语 billard from bille [log] * see billet 2源自 bille [木材] *参见 billet2billiards/'biliEdz; 'biljldz/ [sing v] game for two people played with cues and three balls on an oblong cloth-covered table 台球戏; 弹子戏: * have a game of billiards 打一局台球* Billiards is played by women as well as men. 打台球男女皆宜. 派生: billiard-/'biliEd-; 'biljErd-/(in compounds 用以构成复合词) of or used for billiards 台球的; 用於打台球的: * a billiard-cue/room/table.snookern.(=snooker pool)彩色台球, 桌球vt.阻挠snookersnook.erAHD:[sn‹k“…r] D.J.[6sn&k*]K.K.[6sn&k+]n.Games (名词)【游戏】 Pocket billiards played with 15 red balls and 6 balls of other colors.彩色台球:有十五只红色球和六只其它色彩球的有袋台球游戏v.tr.(及物动词)snook.ered,snook.er.ing,snook.ers Slang 【俚语】 To lead (another) into a situation in which all possible choices are undesirable; trap.欺:(把某人)带入一种各种选择都不好的境地;诓To fool; dupe:戏弄;倒:“Snookered by a lot of malarkey about drilling costs, a Texas jury . . . added $3 billion of punitive damages”(New Republic)“由于听信了有关训练费的胡说八道,陪审团又给惩罚性赔偿加了三亿美元”(新共和国)Games To leave one's opponent in the game of snooker unable to take a direct shot without striking a ball out of the required order.【游戏】 阻碍打直线球:在彩色台球游戏中,使对手不能打出直线球又不把一球打离需要的位置[Origin unknown] [词源不明] snooker/'snu:kE(r); 'snukl/ [U] game played with 15 red balls and 7 balls of other colours on a billiard-table 落袋台球(使用15个红色球和7个其他颜色球的游戏): * [attrib 作定语] a snooker match 落袋台球比赛. => illus 见插图. Cf 参看 pool2 4. 派生: snooker v [Tn esp passive 尤用於被动语态] ---------- 1 ---------- leave (an opponent) in a difficult position when playing snooker (玩落袋台球游戏时)使(对手)处於困境. ---------- 2 ---------- (infml fig 口, 比喻) place (sb) in a difficult position; trick or defeat (sb) 使(某人)处於困境; 欺或击败(某人): You can't win; you've been completely snookered! 你怎麽做都没用, 你已经完全落入圈套了!

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billiards[英][ˈbɪljədz]:n.台球,桌球戏,弹子球。例:Chess and billiards are his favorite diversions.下棋和打台球是他所喜欢的消遣。 billiard ball:n.撞球;台球。

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斯诺克那种正规的台球就叫 snock .那种简单的双色撞球叫 pool

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snooker[5snu:kE]n.(=snooker pool)彩色台球, 桌球vt.阻挠snookersnook.erAHD:[sn‹k“…r] D.J.[6snuk*]K.K.[6sn&k+]n.Games (名词)【游戏】 Pocket billiards played with 15 red balls and 6 balls of other colors.彩色台球:有十五只红色球和六只其它色彩球的有袋台球游戏v.tr.(及物动词)

253 评论


台球英文d不发音,单词是billiards,音标是[ˈbɪljərdz] 。




bar billiards 台球

straight-rail billiards 三球台球

pocket billiards 落袋撞球

fifteen-ball billiards 十五球台球


He loved to play chess and he loved to play billiards.


I like to play billiards with him.


154 评论


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