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首页 > 英语培训 > 机场对安检人员的英语培训

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请举起双臂(为了检查) please raise your arms 请把随身物品放在篮子里please put your belongings in the basket
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1、Please pass through the detector one by one.请一个一个通过探测门。2、Please put your paggage on the conveyor belt.您好,请把您的包放在传送带上。3、Please put all your metallic objects such as coin, cellphone, chewing gum, cigarettes,and anything with Aluminum foil into the basket.请把您随身携带的所有金属物品,如硬币、手机、口香糖、香烟、以及带锡纸的物品等放在篮子里。4、Excuse me, Sir. Please take your computer out and put it in the basket.对不起,先生,请把您的电脑从包里取出放入筐里。5、Take off your jacket, please.请把您的外套脱下。6、Anything else in your pocket?口袋里还有其它物品吗?7、I’m sorry to tell you that flammable items cannot be taken with you into the aircraft.很遗憾的告诉您,易燃品不能随身带上飞机。8、Please come over for inspection.请过来接受检查。9、Please raise your arms.请您抬起双臂。10、Turn around please.请转身。11、Please unbutton your coat.请把您的衣扣打开。12、I’m sorry to tell you that it is a prohibited item.You can’t take it with you into the aircraft.很抱歉告诉您,这是违禁品,您不能把它带上飞机。13、Checking is done, thank you for your cooperation.检查完毕,谢谢合作。14、You need to check again您需要再次检查15、According to the rules, the boots must be removed through the X light machine根据规定靴子必须脱下通过X光机16、Do you have any other valid documents?您还有其他有效证件么?

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希望能帮到你请出示护照 please show me your passport请举起双臂(为了检查) please raise your arms请把随身物品放在篮子里please put your belongings in the basket请出示身份证please show me your identification请排队等候please wait in line请耐心等候please be patient还有一些平时用的到的单词,要求不会很高的,希望你顺利!机场费 airport fee出站(出港、离开) departures国际机场 international airport登机手续办理 check-in国内机场 domestic airport登机牌 boarding pass (card)机场候机楼 airport terminal护照检查处 passport control immigration国际候机楼 international terminal行李领取处 luggage claim; baggage claim国际航班出港 international departure国际航班旅客 international passengers国内航班出站 domestic departure中转 transfers卫星楼 satellite中转旅客 transfer passengers入口 in中转处 transfer correspondence出口 exit; out; way out过境 transit进站(进港、到达) arrivals报关物品 goods to declare不需报关 nothing to declare贵宾室 V.I.P. room海关 customs购票处 ticket office登机口 gate; departure gate付款处 cash候机室 departure lounge出租车 taxi航班号 FLT No (flight number)出租车乘车点 Taxi pick-up point来自…… arriving from大轿车乘车点 coach pick-up point预计时间 scheduled time (SCHED)航空公司汽车服务处 airline coach service实际时间 actual租车处 car hire已降落 landed公共汽车 bus; coach service前往…… departure to公用电话 public phone; telephone起飞时间 departure time厕所 toilet; W. C.; lavatories; rest room延误 delayed男厕 men's; gent's; gentlemen's登机 boarding女厕 women's; lady's由此乘电梯前往登机 stairs and lifts to departures餐厅 restaurant迎宾处 greeting arriving酒吧 bar由此上楼 up; upstairs咖啡馆 coffee shop; cafe由此下楼 down; downstairs免税店 duty-free shop银行 bank邮局 post office货币兑换处 money exchange; currency exchange出售火车票 rail ticket订旅馆 hotel reservation旅行安排 tour arrangement行李暂存箱 luggage locker行李牌 luggage tag机票飞机票 endorsements/restrictions前往城市 to旅客姓名 name of passenger承运人 carrier旅行经停地点 good for passage between航班号 flight no.起点城市 from座舱等级 class起飞日期 date机号 plane No.起飞时间 time机座号 seat No.订座情况 status吸烟坐位 smoking seat机票确认 ticket confirm非吸烟席 non-smoking seat登机口 gate出/入境卡姓 family name年 year名 First (Given) Name月 month性别 sex偕行人数 accompanying number男 male职业 occupation女 female专业技术人员 professionals & technical国籍 nationality行政管理人员 legislators &administrators国籍 country of citizenship办事员 clerk护照号 passport No.商业人员 commerce原住地 country of Origin服务人员 service前往目的地国 destination country农民 farmer登机城市 city where you boarded工人 worker签证签发地 city where visa was issued其他 others签发日期 date issue无业 jobless前往国家的住址 address while in签名 signature街道及门牌号 number and street官方填写 official use only城市及国家 city and state日 day出生日期 date of Birth签证姓 surname失效日期(或必须在…日之前入境) expiry date ( 或 before)名 first (given) name停留期为…… for stays of性别 sex10天 ten days出生日期 birthdate8周 eight weeks国籍 nationality3个月 three months护照号 passport No.6个月 six months编号 control No.1年 one year签发地 Issue At3年 three years签发日期 Issue Date签证种类 visa type/class日期、数字、符号一月 JAN七月 JUL二月 FEB八月 AUG三月 MAR九月 SEP四月 APR十月 OCT五月 MAY十一月 NOV六月 JUN十二月 DEC天 day (s)年 year (s)周 week (s)1993年6月12日 12 Jun. 1993月 month (s)1993年6月12日 Jun. 12, 1993

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1 、您需要再次检查(指但凡走出过安检通道再次进入需要重新安检)。We need to check you again.2、 check in(行李托运)的最简单英文解释。check-in luggages.3、 您的名字打印错误,请到航空公司更改。Your name is printed wrong on your ticket, please change it through your airline company.4、 托运要到换取登机牌的地方办理,需要走出去并重新安检.You can get your boarding pass along with luggage check-in. You will need to leave and go through security check again.5、请取出身上所有金属物品Please remove all the metals on you.6 、我需要请示领导(上司?上级?),请原地等候一会I need to talk to my supervisor. Could you please wait here?7 、您还有其他有效证件么?Do you have any other valid IDs?8 、电脑暂时不用取出,有需要再取。You don't have to take your computer out of the bag for now. We will let you know if necessary.9、 根据规定靴子必须脱下通过X光机(X-ray)According to our policy you need to take off your shoes for X-ray check.10 、行李内是否有...?Do you have... in your bag?扩展资料机场安检:机场安检是指乘坐民航飞机的旅客在登机前必须接受的一项人身和行李检查项目,这也是为了保证旅客自身安全和民用航空器在空中飞行安全所采取的一项必要措施。 经过机场前需提前把刀具类生活用品提前办理托运手续。枪支、弹药和氰化物等物品禁止携带。

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请出示护照 please show me your passport 请举起双臂(为了检查) please raise your arms 请把随身物品放在篮子里please put your belongings in the basket 请出示身份证please show me your identification 请排队等候please wait in line 请耐心等候please be patient 1.Now the inspection of your luggage is over. 你的行李现在已经检查完了。 2.Have you got anything with you on your person? 你身上带了什么东西吗? 3.The officer of the Frontie Inspection Station will be with us during the search. 这位边防检查站的人员在执行搜查时将在场。 4.Our policy is:Leniency to those who confess;severity to those who resist. 我们的政策是:“坦白从宽,抗拒从严。” 6.Let me have your baggage declaration,please. 请把你的行李申报单给我。 7.Attention,please. 旅客们请注意。 8.Show me your passport and ticket,please. 请把护照和机票给我看看。 9.May I see the way-bill?And also the packing list,if you have got one. 请让我看一下空运提单,还有装箱单,如果你有的话。 10.That'll be all. 手续办好了。

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1 、您需要再次检查(指但凡走出过安检通道再次进入需要重新安检)。We need to check you again.2、 check in(行李托运)的最简单英文解释。Baggage check-in.3、 您的名字打印错误,请到航空公司更改。Your name is printed wrong on your ticket, please change it through your airline company.4、 托运要到换取登机牌的地方办理,需要走出去并重新安检.You can get your boarding pass along with luggage check-in. You will need to leave and go through security check again.5、请取出身上所有金属物品Please remove all the metals on you.6 、我需要请示领导(上司?上级?),请原地等候一会I need to talk to my supervisor. Could you please wait here?7 、您还有其他有效证件么?Do you have any other valid IDs?8 、电脑暂时不用取出,有需要再取。You don't have to take your computer out of the bag for now. We will let you know if necessary.9、 根据规定靴子必须脱下通过X光机(X-ray)According to our policy you need to take off your shoes for X-ray check.10 、行李内是否有...?Do you have... in your bag?扩展资料机场安检:机场安检是指乘坐民航飞机的旅客在登机前必须接受的一项人身和行李检查项目,这也是为了保证旅客自身安全和民用航空器在空中飞行安全所采取的一项必要措施。 经过机场前需提前把刀具类生活用品提前办理托运手续。枪支、弹药和氰化物等物品禁止携带。

288 评论


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    我觉得佩 文也挺好的呀。

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  • 机场安检英语培训

    请出示护照 please show me your passport 请举起双臂(为了检查) please raise your arms 请把随身物品

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