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首页 > 英语培训 > 要对相关人员进行培训英语

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Thanks to business expansion,a foreign language training course will be provided for all managers in ourcompany.
352 评论


1, the company to produce mould in the use of times and maintain records of lack of monitoring requirements, so relevant personnel in product mould operation and maintenance, management have defects. 2, immediately 8515011 - Z6700 products now # mold use frequency and maintenance condition into quality records see attached a 3 the lines, to other tooling used and maintained regularly to ensure each situation fixtures are subject to the monitor. 4 and revised the relevant the wi ", the number of USES of tool management and maintenance record for specific situations rules to ensure execution procedures 5, to relative personnel training, improve the relevant personnel quality consciousness 6, the department documents list completing standardization caused by lack of evaluation, process files (wi) documents list of edition and revision status caused by leakage of items 7, # 8515011 - immediately Z6700 product stamping operation instruction of the edition and revision status added into the file list, see attached a pair of all the company files cleaned up to similar situation of rectification, see attachment three. 8, modify the document control list "format, ensure requirements are evaluated 9, to relative personnel training, improve the relevant personnel quality consciousness

294 评论


对员工进行定期培训的英文翻译 Regular training for employees regular 英[ˈregjələ(r)] 美[ˈrɛɡjəlɚ] adj. 有规律的; 规则,整齐的; 不变的; 合格的; n. ; 主力(或正式)队员; 常客; adv. 定期地; 经常地; [例句]Take regular exercise定期进行锻炼。[其他] 复数:regulars

99 评论
