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歌舞青春观后感I watched the film called High School watching it, I felt very happy and it touched me very is an American tells American high school students' students are very different from our Chinese are in high spirits when facing their lives and their out-of-class games are quite actress is a very beautiful girl called was unconfident to sing at a boy told her that she sang very they sang together think as long as you try your best,whether you fail or not,you will never must believe in ourselves forever.

242 评论


.《歌舞青春》是一部青春励志篇。它以青春为主线,通过活力四射的舞蹈与美妙无比的音乐讲述了一个曲折动人的故事,将一群少男少女的青春激情表现地淋漓尽致。故事发生在东部高中。一些快要毕业的学生为了“是否该在毕业前这段忙碌的时间里抽空排练毕业典礼上的歌舞剧”而展开了激烈的辩论,最后,在特洛伊和盖比瑞拉的劝说下,大家达成了共识——决定参加歌舞剧的排练。于是排练有序的展开了,但漂亮女生香槟为了在表演中抢尽风头,想尽一切办法让盖比瑞拉退出歌舞剧。在毕业典礼即将开始的几天前,盖比瑞拉被斯坦福大学提前录取了。香槟得逞了!然而,在毕业典礼开始的时候,深爱着盖比瑞拉的特洛伊赶到了斯坦福大学劝说盖比瑞拉回到舞台上。他成功了!当他们回到毕业典礼会场的时候,发现那里因为缺少了特洛伊而情势紧张。特洛伊和盖比瑞拉回到舞台,演出继续顺利地进行。香槟的诡计虽然失败了,但她与特洛伊和向并最终还是和好了。在这温馨的场景下,东部高中的此届毕业生毕业了!看完了这部影片,我那颗随着情节而上下起伏的心安静了下来,而我却被深深地打动了——被这些学生的活力、激情和深厚感情。在毕业典礼需要他们的歌舞剧时,他们用所有的精力和热情去排练。就因为这样,歌舞剧才会那么活力四射,气氛才会那么轻松,观众才会那么满意,毕业典礼才会那么成功!他们的青春赋予了他们活力,而他们的活力是他们的青春更加积极、乐观、美好。香槟在故事中并不是一个好角色。她给人们的印象或许是美丽却狡猾,甚至有些阴险。但她的激情却是无与伦比的——这从她的理想,她对未来的憧憬、希望表现了出来。这就是她的激情,青春因为有激情而变得充实有意义。特洛伊和盖比瑞拉的爱情甜蜜无比,或许有一些坎坷,但似乎什么也无法切断他们的深厚感情。他们彼此爱慕、彼此信赖、互相鼓励——这些都是他们深厚感情的重要因素。他们是一对甜蜜的恋人,也是青春的美好情感的象征啊!青春需要感情的滋润,只有这样,它会变得美丽、充盈,五彩缤纷。《歌舞青春》告诉了我们——青春是多么美好!青春从来就只有一次,所以,请你我把握好、珍惜好它!青春将在我们的人生旅程中画上灿烂光辉的一笔,青春将是我们的生命散发出更为耀眼的光芒! 第二篇:充满活力的青春,真挚的友情,珍贵的亲情,令人忍俊不禁的小聪明,热烈的舞蹈,动人的歌声,还有关于嫉妒关于代沟。年轻的一切都在展现。有着美好而可以预料的没有任何惊喜的结局。我们的青春,本就该这么明亮。不是吗?这部影片,看似只是青春逼人再加上好听的音乐,其实却有让人蠢蠢欲动的超能力. 我们都是平凡人,但是,即使这样,我们还是有理由相信,每个人都是一颗钻石,都有许许多多的面,只是,我们因为不自信或者太在意别人的眼光,而隐却了许多光芒.简单、热闹、活力,不需要晦涩的语言和画面,有时候一切就可以那么纯粹,青春不会是灰暗的、无望的,只要我们愿意,青春可以是彩色的,可以唱歌、可以跳舞,一切的一切都值得我们去赞颂。 我们的青春,就只有这么短短的一瞬间,为何不抓住她,做我们想做的事呢. 就是这一秒吧Gabriella,这个普通的女孩在放声高歌时闪耀得如此自信。 Troy,被寄托厚望的篮球队队长,终在理想和现实之间寻到了自己的梦。第3篇.前几天,我看了一部美国校园电影《歌舞青春》(High School Musical),我被电影男女主角清新脱俗的形象和动感精彩的歌舞表演深深吸引。 剧中的男主角特洛伊是个在篮球场上很有天赋的人,是校队的队长,父亲是个传奇巨星。女主角凯碧被以前的同学视为数学怪才,获过无数大奖。从来未唱过歌的两人在一次新年聚会上被随机抽到一起唱歌而相识。开学后,凯碧作为插班生又与特洛伊相遇.当时戏剧社正好要为新音乐剧选演员,两人犹豫着是否去报名,虽然受到参赛对手的阻挠、嘲笑和朋友的不理解,但两人还是凭着对音乐的热爱赢得了比赛…… 我想这部电影之所以令人回味无穷,除了琅琅上口的青春流行音乐外,还在于该剧展现的健康向上的价值观和富有教育意义的主题——鼓励青少年坚持追逐自己梦想。影片正是以歌舞这个世界性的语言,鼓励青少年相信自己、完善自己、勇敢地激发自己的潜能去追寻梦想。在大家眼中,你是一个学习机器、科学天才或只是一个普通的、默默无闻的人,但这并不是你的真正面目。你的潜意识里却是喜欢唱歌、跳舞或绘画的。在所有人的眼中,你不可能去唱歌、跳舞,因为你从未试过,而且他们认为你肯定不会这些,简直像在开国际大玩笑,他们觉得你应该回到你熟悉的领域,那里才是你的归属。当面临这样的情况,你会怎么办?放弃,专心做你“应该”做的事?还是继续寻梦? 想到二战名将麦克·阿瑟说过的一句话:"你有信仰,你就年轻;你若疑虑,你就衰老。你有自信,你就年轻;你若恐惧,你就衰老。你有希望,你就年轻;你若绝望,你就衰老。"这句话就是提醒人要适时地鼓励自己,帮助自己寻找适合的目标,激发自己的潜能。这就是潜能,每个人都拥有的一种伟大的内在力量.如果你能发现并利用它,你就会明白,你完全能够实现自己的梦想和憧憬.这种神圣的,永恒的,不朽的潜能,犹如一个无言的使者,时时尽力鞭策着你,保护着你,激励着你.你要成为一条龙,就要引爆你无穷的潜能,将你的能量最大限度发挥出来,使你能够遨游于天际。 在你追求一个目标,一种理想的征途中,在你心身俱疲时,“我不行”,“我不是那块料”,“他们会笑话我的”……诸如此类的消极想法会自然萌生.难道就此放弃吗?你真的无能为力了吗?你甘心失败吗? 不!当然不!每个人身上都有自己巨大的钻石宝藏,每一个人都是一个巨大的未知,同样每一个人都可能创造一个巨大的奇迹.但是由于诸多俗事的缠绕,人心被蔽于浑浊的俗世中,人也就失去了创造奇迹的可能,放弃了他们巨大的未知.潜能,就是被人放弃的一种巨大的未知,是被人所忽视的钻石宝藏.这种极昂贵的生命资源,只要善加利用,可获得意想不到的效果。 要想做真正的自己,要想有所成就,就要放飞自己的思想,做一只自由的飞鸟,不让任何事情牵绊自己,激发“沉睡”已久的生命的潜能,歌舞自己的成就。 (不想要那么多字可以删一些。自己选一篇吧)High School Musical> is a good movie, is my favorite style, the United States middle school students and college students living in the film is neither as just so funny and serious, unlike so colorful, unlike the so difficult to obscure, not of the older generation, and other inspirational preaching wealth to the movies then, not more then a single, and at the same time have their own distinct characteristics . Of course, the most distinctive features of music, beautiful melodies, the voice actor is also a super-Chan, Troy's voice is pure, without impurities, in particular, to grasp some of the bass, treble, but it is a pity that some of the occasional break to sing. Gabriella's voice is clear, great treble. Ryan I appreciate very much a role, not artificial voice, singing school songs for singing RAP, R & B, what would be the ideal. Sharpay's voice, of course, very artificial, you compare her to speak and sing to know. All in all, at the beginning of the first paragraph of the quartet I really had a beautiful, as if Nature, when singing their grasp of eye contact is also in place. The first screen test at the same song by two pairs of two kinds of people out of style interpretation, and there is great taste. As Gabriella and solo section lyrical songs on the last few people not particularly impressed. Troy I am not a role like that feeling is hard to be made out of, the kind of body height should not be playing basketball, Shuai do, I think not Shuai Ryan, and Ryan wearing a lot less than that also. Gabriella this role well, very pure, Mexico should be the origin, of course, I have reservations about this style of female appearance, coupled with the all-A Health a good voice, should constitute an element of good girls, not to mention her There are a pair of talking eyes. Ryan and I really appreciate too, although some artificial performance, but was wearing envied people dressed, perfectly clean face jealous people, the quality is very good, Sharpay in the side I think he's much more vigorous and even shine. I do not want to evaluate more than Sharpay, I did not like this type of girl, she reminds me of me a painful girls, the same beautiful colors, the same Xingaoqiao, who do not care about her pay, even like Those who do not like her very much like the fate of. Zeke and Chade hard to make up a pair of I do not agree with very much, Kelsi was a very lovely girls, I really appreciate his ugly duckling type of character, a small body in a vast reservoir of strength and stunning beauty, waiting for the real Her understanding of the people to discover. The film, of course, there are deficiencies, as the songs in order to emphasize the sense of the scene, a bit like a shot of the MV ordinary music or movies (especially the singing actor into the future), this can not be reflected as an inspirational film school youth The nature of the. But also because of restrictions on film, and some cases where the development of some haste, in order to pursue the plot twists and turns, an increase of too much coincidence, but some modeling. In general, the Department is a very good film, worthy of recommendation, I have been looking forward to tomorrow, a Data.

165 评论


《歌舞青春》是一部类似于音乐剧的`作品,音乐从头至尾一直贯穿其中,并形成自己独特的风格。以下是我整理的关于《歌舞青春》英文观后感,欢迎鉴赏! High School Musical> is a good movie, is my favorite style, the United States middle school students and college students living in the film is neither asjust so funny and serious, unlikeso colorful, unlike theso difficult to obscure, notof the older generation, and other inspirational preaching wealth to the movies then, not morethen a single, and at the same time have their own distinct characteristics . Of course, the most distinctive features of music, beautiful melodies, the voice actor is also a super-Chan, Troy's voice is pure, without impurities, in particular, to grasp some of the bass, treble, but it is a pity that some of the occasional break to sing. Gabriella's voice is clear, great treble. Ryan I appreciate very much a role, not artificial voice, singing school songs for singing RAP, R & B, what would be the ideal. Sharpay's voice, of course, very artificial, you compare her to speak and sing to know. All in all, at the beginning of the first paragraph of the quartet I really had a beautiful, as if Nature, when singing their grasp of eye contact is also in place. The first screen test at the same song by two pairs of two kinds of people out of style interpretation, and there is great taste. As Gabriella and solo section lyrical songs on the last few people not particularly impressed. Troy I am not a role like that feeling is hard to be made out of, the kind of body height should not be playing basketball, Shuai do, I think not Shuai Ryan, and Ryan wearing a lot less than that also. Gabriella this role well, very pure, Mexico should be the origin, of course, I have reservations about this style of female appearance, coupled with the all-A Health a good voice, should constitute an element of good girls, not to mention her There are a pair of talking eyes. Ryan and I really appreciate too, although some artificial performance, but was wearing envied people dressed, perfectly clean face jealous people, the quality is very good, Sharpay in the side I think he's much more vigorous and even shine. I do not want to evaluate more than Sharpay, I did not like this type of girl, she reminds me of me a painful girls, the same beautiful colors, the same Xingaoqiao, who do not care about her pay, even like Those who do not like her very much like the fate of. Zeke and Chade hard to make up a pair of I do not agree with very much, Kelsi was a very lovely girls, I really appreciate his ugly duckling type of character, a small body in a vast reservoir of strength and stunning beauty, waiting for the real Her understanding of the people to discover. The film, of course, there are deficiencies, as the songs in order to emphasize the sense of the scene, a bit like a shot of the MV ordinary music or movies (especially the singing actor into the future), this can not be reflected as an inspirational film school youth The nature of the. But also because of restrictions on film, and some cases where the development of some haste, in order to pursue the plot twists and turns, an increase of too much coincidence, but some modeling. In general, the Department is a very good film, worthy of recommendation, I have been looking forward to tomorrow, a Data.

335 评论



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