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85 评论


楼主你好:这个结束的英语是:Intheend 呵呵!如果觉得好的话请采纳,觉得不好的话不采纳也没关系哦!呵呵!谢谢!……

249 评论


结束的英文是end,finish。一、end词汇分析音标:英 [end]  美 [ɛnd] 释义:结束;目标;尽头;末端;死亡vi. 结束,终止;终结vt. 结束,终止;终结短语the end of …的最后in the end 终于,最后at the end 最终,最后;在终点at the end of 在……尽头;在……结束时by the end of 到……结束时;到……时为止;在……之前拓展双语例句1、His death marked the end of an era. 他的逝世标志着一个时代的结束。2、Pass the message down to the people at the end of the table. 把这份电报往下传给坐在桌子末端的人们。3、Chicago Ox team equalized two minutes before the end of the match. 芝加哥公牛队在比赛结束前两分钟扳平了比分。4、When our day's work was at an end we hastened there. 当天工作一结束,我们就急忙赶到那里。5、He parted with us at the end of the trip. 旅行结束时他和我们分手了。二、finish词汇分析音标:英 ['fɪnɪʃ]  美 ['fɪnɪʃ] 释义:vt. 完成;结束;用完vi. 结束,终止;终结n. 结束;完美;回味(葡萄酒)短语finish line 终点线,终航线finish with 完成,结束;与…断绝关系surface finish [机]表面抛光finish machining 精加工;完工切削from start to finish 自始至终;从起点到终点拓展双语例句1、I hope we can finish this before the deadline. 我希望我们能在最后期限之前完成这项工作。2、We can only finish half of it this afternoon at best. 今天下午我们充其量只能完成一半。3、If we do the work turn and turn about, we can finish it quickly. 如果我们轮换着做这个工作,我们能很快地把它完成。4、Anyhow you must finish this work today. 你今天总要完成这项工作吧。5、Better get going on that book if you want to finish it in a month. 如果你想一月内完成那本书,最好现在就动手工作。

84 评论


finishvt. 完成;结束;用完vi. 结束,终止;完成;终结n. 结束;完美;完成;磨光overadv. 结束;越过;从头到尾prep. 在…之上;越过;遍于…之上adj. 上面的;结束的vt. 越过endn. 结束;末端;目标;死亡;尽头vi. 结束,终止;终结vt. 结束,终止;终结concludevt. 结束;推断;决定,作结论vi. 决定;推断;断定结束close conclude conclusion end finish wind up 补充:有complete         adj.完整的, 全部的, 整个的; 完成的, 结束了的圆满的, 十足的技艺高明的完美的; (设备等)齐全的彻底的, 绝对的(语法)完全的a complete set of Dickens' novels 全套狄更斯的小说When will the work be complete ? 这项工作何时完成?It was a complete surprise to me, I wasn't expecting and hadn't even thought of it. 它对我完全是件意外的事; 我未预料到, 甚至未曾想到。习惯用语complete with 包括, 连同。

332 评论


结束close conclude conclusion end finish wind up 补充:有complete adj.完整的, 全部的, 整个的; 完成的, 结束了的圆满的, 十足的技艺高明的完美的; (设备等)齐全的彻底的, 绝对的(语法)完全的a complete set of Dickens' novels 全套狄更斯的小说When will the work be complete ? 这项工作何时完成?It was a complete surprise to me, I wasn't expecting and hadn't even thought of it. 它对我完全是件意外的事; 我未预料到, 甚至未曾想到。习惯用语complete with 包括, 连同

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we are going to complete a training this week.

219 评论


1、结束的英文是end,finish。2、end音标:英 [end]  美 [ɛnd] ,释义:结束;目标;尽头;末端;死亡。3、finish音标:英 ['fɪnɪʃ]  美 ['fɪnɪʃ] ,释义:完成;结束;用完,结束,终止;终结,结束;完美;回味(葡萄酒)。拓展资料end1、The meeting quickly ended and Steve and I left the room 会议很快结束了,我和史蒂夫离开了房间。2、The French government today called for an end to the violence 今天法国政府呼吁结束暴力行为。3、The markets ended the week on a quiet note 全球股市波澜不惊地结束了一周的交易。4、Its monthly reports on program trading usually come out about three weeks after each month ends 程式交易月度报告通常在每月结束3周后出来。5、His statement ended with the words: 'Pray for me.' 他的声明以“为我祈祷”结束。finish1、As soon as he'd finished eating, he excused himself 他一吃完就告辞离开了。2、The consultants had been working to finish a report this week. 顾问们一直在为要于本周内完成一份报告而工作。3、The teaching day finishes at around 4pm 一天的教学在下午4点左右结束。4、The two of them finished by kissing each other goodbye 他们两人最后互相吻别。5、He finished second in the championship four years in a row. 他连续4年获得锦标赛亚军。

328 评论


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