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问题一:统一用英文怎么说? unify v. 1.统一,使成为一体;2.使一致,使一元化; unity n. 结合,联合,团结,统一,一致,协调; 问题二:统一的用英文怎么说 Unified 问题三:“统一”英文怎么说,比如把格式统一成word文档。 make your document format as '.doc'/'.docx' unify虽然厂‘统一’的意思、但是在你这句话里用unify不好表达。 问题四:“统一办理” 英语怎么说 handled as a whole handled all together 问题五:国家统一用英语怎么说 national unity 英 [?n???n?l ?ju:niti] 美 [?næ??n?l ?jun?ti] 民族团结;国家统一

142 评论


In the history of five thousand years vicissitudes of life of the Chinese nation, the solidarity of all ethnic groups development in our country, interdependent relationship, formed the great Chinese nation, jointly created a unified multi-ethnic know the reunification of the motherland is a country prosperous and strong. A powerful country, is a unified country inevitably; Strength of a nation, it is a unified nation. If a country divided, they will become the world's leading superpower. In Chinese history, every period of national strength is strong, developed economy and culture prosperity, notting have is not period of national unity. Dynasty of west han embraced governance, rule of the tang dynasty, the qing dynasty, and qian grand times are under the condition of the national unity and social national unity, first of all have to adhere to national equality. National equality, which is the basic idea of marxism, is the cornerstone of national policy of our party. In China, all ethnic groups are equal status, enjoying the same rights and bear the same obligations; The han nationality and ethnic minorities are equal, between various ethnic minorities also are equal; Any national privileges, no national rights has not been restricted. So the party and the nation has a special emphasis on respect ethnic customs and habits, protect the legitimate rights and interests of ethnic minority recent years, the people of all ethnic groups under the leadership of the communist party of China united, unity is strength, works together, fighting and emergency operations, the fight against SARS, the fight against the rain and snow freeze disaster, earthquake relief. "5 · 12" wenchuan earthquake in sichuan, tens of thousands of people were killed and hundreds of millions of people lost their homes, the disaster area people's life and property and economic and social development suffered huge losses. Does not collapse earthquake and disaster with great love. After the earthquake, the Chinese people of all ethnic groups, the advocacy, heart to heart, spread the blood is thicker than water of kinship, the Chinese nation's sense of honor of the Chinese nation, culture and datong, boundless love, the Chinese people of all ethnic groups to fully carry forward the party hard, p plus support spirit of patriotism, to offer a helping hand. This is the great achievements of reform and opening up 30 years, is the prosperous common people power is the vivid reflection of the major policies, fully shows the solidarity of the Chinese nation, thin , in the "March 14 in Lhasa and urumqi" July 15 between "serious violent crime, serious damage to the normal economic and social life, people of all ethnic groups brought the disaster to the people of all ethnic groups. In history, countless conflict and disputes in our country, the country and the people suffered from wars and the taste of unity and progress of building construction needs efforts from all the Chinese people. As long as each one of us consciously do the cause of national unity neck builders, catalysts, will form the eternal unity of the Chinese nation, have the power to invulnerable, usher in the great revival of the bright future.

234 评论


All nationalities unite together as a warm family.

210 评论



Fifty-six ethnic groups, fifty-six flowers, fifty-six brothers and sisters are one family. As the song says, China is a great country with fifty-six ethnic groups, and ethnic unity is an important development plan.


Yes, only the ethnic unity, the motherland will have this day of glory! Only national unity, economy can develop more rapidly; Only when the nation is united can the people live and work in peace and contentment.


310 评论


A pro-national unity

289 评论


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