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Friends and family:大家好!感谢各位能在百忙之中来到学校和我们一起交流学习。Everybody is good! Thank you for coming to our school and with the exchange of learning in spite of being very busy.家长作为孩子的第一任老师,在坐的各位,您对孩子的教育是非常重要的,可是家长拿什么去教育自己的孩子呢?您需要学习科学的教育方法和新的教育理念。所以今天,我很希望能利用这个平台,和您交流教育孩子的方法,共创孩子的美好明天。今天我和靳老师将和您交流有关“养成教育”的话题。Parents as a child's first teachers, sit in you, you are very important for the education of their children, but parents take what to educate their children? You need to learn the scientific method of education and new educational ideas. So today, I would like to use this platform to communicate with your children, education method, create beautiful tomorrow of children. Today I and Jin teacher and you will communicate about "education" topic.首先我要和大家分享两句话:PPTFirst of all I would like to share with you two words: PPT养成教育是管一辈子的教育。它是教给少年儿童终身受益的东西,与素质教育紧密相关。――关鸿羽(著名教育专家,北京普通教育研究所副所长)Education is a lifetime education. It is to teach children a lifetime thing, closely related to quality education. -- Guan Hongyu (a famous education experts, deputy director of the Research Institute of Beijing General Education)父母的行为习惯就是孩子学习的一本教科书。――张梅玲(著名心理学家,中科院心理所研究员)Parents of children learning behavior is a textbook. -- Zhang Meiling (the famous psychologist, CAS psychology professor)从上面两句话我们了解到,养成教育是关系孩子一生,一辈子的教育,是教给儿童终身受益的东西。养成教育就是养成良好习惯的教育。叶圣陶先生说过“教育是什么,往简单方面说,就是要养成良好的习惯”。习惯往往看起来是一些不起眼的小事,它却蕴含了足以改变人生命运的巨大能量。PPT多一个好习惯,就多一份自信;多一份好习惯,就多一份成功的机会;多一个好习惯,就多一份享受生活的能力。培养好习惯可以使孩子修养更高,行为更规范,成为一个有教养的文明人,它为孩子成才奠定了良好的基础,好习惯让人受益终生。From the above two words we learn, develop education is the child life, life education, is to teach children to lifelong benefit. Education is to develop good habits of education. Mr Ye Shengtao said "what is education, to simply said, is to develop good habits". Habits often seems to be some little things, it contains a huge energy enough to change the destiny of life. PPT a good habit, the more confidence; a good habit, the more of a chance of success; a good habit, the more ability to enjoy life. Cultivate good habits can make children cultivation higher, more normative acts, become an educated civilized people, it lays a good foundation for children to become a useful person, good habits benefit a person for life.交流到这儿,相信很多家长都和我们一样,觉得教育孩子首先就是要培养好习惯,也认识到培养习惯的重要性。那接下来,我们就习惯的养成跟大家交流以下几个问题:Communication here, believe that many parents are like us, feel the child education is to cultivate good habits, but also realized the importance to cultivate the habit of. Then, we develop the habit of sharing with you the following questions:PPTPPT1. 什么是“习惯”?1 what is the "habits"?2. 小学生要养成哪些习惯?2 primary and secondary school students to develop the habit of what?3. 怎样帮助孩子养成这些习惯?3 how to help children to develop these habits?那么什么是习惯呢?习惯不是一般的行为,是一种定型性行为。So what is used? Habit is not the general behavior, is a kind of stereotyped behavior.孩子的行为有四个层次。最低层次是被动性行为。它需要靠外部的强制力量。例如,老师在场就守纪律,老师不在场就不守纪律。第二个层次是自发性行为。学生通过接受教育,对习惯培养的重要性有了基本的认识,并能自发地根据情境要求去做,但由于其自控能力差,因此行为具有随意性,反复性大,不稳定。这时学生不但需要自己的意志努力,还需要家长和老师从外部给予一定的提醒和督促。第三个层次是自觉性行为。它需要一定的意志努力,这是因为学生已有一定的道德认识,并有一定的道德意志,能够自我要求,自我监督,不需要外部监督,但尚需自己的意志努力。例如,老师不在时也能守纪律,但还需要自己控制自己,提醒自己。知道上课时随便说话、玩东西是不对的,但有时还需要经过自己的思想斗争。看到别人在课堂上说话,也想说,可又一想,好学生应该自觉守纪律,虽然老师不在,也要严格要求自己,于是控制了自己的行动。这种行为虽然属自觉行为,但还不是自动行为。最高层次是自动行为。既不需外部监督,也不需自己的意志努力,这时学生遵守纪律已不是被迫的,不是靠自己的思想斗争或意志努力的结果,而是自然的自动的行动,这种最高层次的自动行为就是习惯。The child's behavior has four levels. The lowest level is the passive behavior. It needs to depend on the force of external. For example, the teacher present keep discipline, the teacher is not present on the lack of discipline. The second level is the spontaneous behavior. Students through education, have a basic understanding of the importance of practice training, and can spontaneously according to the situation and requirements to do, but because of its poor self-control, therefore behavior is random, repetitive, unstable. When the students not only need the will of their own efforts, but also need to parents and teachers must be given to remind and urge from outside. The third level is the conscious behavior. It requires a certain amount of willpower, this is because the students have a certain degree of moral cognition, and there is a certain moral will, self, self supervision, does not need external supervision, but still need their own willpower. For example, when the teacher is not to discipline, but also need to control their own, remind yourself. Know it's wrong to speak casually, class play thing, but sometimes also need through their own ideological struggle. See the talk, also want to say to others in the classroom, but another think, a good student should consciously observe discipline, while the teacher is not in, should be strict with themselves, so in control of their actions. Although this action is a conscious action, but not automatically behavior. The highest level is the automatic behavior. Not only does not need external supervision, also do not need their own willpower, then students' discipline has not forced, not by their own ideological struggle or will effort, but the natural automatic action, automatic behavior highest level this is habit.关于习惯的定义,《现代汉语词典》对“习惯”一词的解释是这样“常常接触某种新的情况而逐渐适应;在长时期里逐渐养成的、一时不容易改变的行为、倾向或社会风尚”,也就是说从个体层面来看,习惯是个体后天习得的自动化的了的动作、反应倾向和行为方式。我国著名儿童心理学家朱智贤教授认为,习惯是人在一定情境下自动化地去进行某种动作的需要和倾向。例如,儿童养成在饭前、便后、游戏后一定要洗手的习惯,完成这种动作已成为他们的需要。Definition of habit, "modern Chinese Dictionary" interpretation of "habit" one word is "often contact with a new situation and gradually adapt; where gradually develop in the long term, it is not easy to change behavior, orientation or social practice", that is to say from the individual point of view, habit is automation individual learned of the action, reaction tendency and behavior. The famous child psychologist Professor Zhu Zhixian in our view, habit is in certain circumstances automated way to carry out some action needs and tendency. For example, children develop before, after, after the game to the habit of washing hands, to complete this action has become their needs.习惯是一种定型性行为,是最高层次的自动行为。在一定意义上说没有训练就没有习惯。训练是非常重要的,训练必须是科学的,训练还必须是持之以恒的,所以今天会请大家来,我们一起来了解习惯对孩子成长的重要性,一起来帮助孩子养成良好的习惯,一起携手在校在家反复训练孩子养成良好行为习惯。Habit is a type of behavior, is the highest level of automatic behavior. In a certain sense no training is no habit. Training is very important, training must be scientific, training must also be persevere, so today will please come, we come to know the habits of the importance of child development, to help children to develop good habits, work together in the school at home and repeated training children to develop good habits.这是我要跟大家交流的第一个话题:什么是习惯。那么接下来,我想说说小学生应该养成哪些好习惯呢?This is the first topic I want to exchange with you: what is the habit. Then, I want to talk about what students should form good habits?作为一个小学生要养成哪些好习惯呢?(学习习惯行为习惯双十条)As a primary and secondary school students to develop good habits? (learning habits habits double bar)今天我想着重跟家长们交流低年级孩子要养成哪些重要的学习习惯和行为习惯。Today I want to focus on exchange with the parents of low grade children to develop what important learning and behavior habits.先来说说低年级孩子要养成六个重要的学习习惯:To begin to develop six important learning habits of lower grade children:1、专心致志。孩子自学能力较差,注意力不容易集1, devote oneself heart and soul to. The child learning ability is poor, the attention is not easy to set

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