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人教版小学六年级上册第13课课文内容如下: 《只有一个地球》 据有幸飞上太空的宇航员介绍,他们在天际遨游时遥望地球,映入眼帘的是一个晶莹透亮的球体,上面蓝色和白色的纹痕相互交错,周围裹着一层薄薄的水蓝色“纱衣”.地球,这位人类的母亲,这个生命的摇篮,是那样的美丽壮观,和蔼可亲.但是,地球又是一个半径只有6 300多公里的星球,在群星璀璨的宇宙中,就像一叶扁舟. 同茫茫宇宙相比,地球是渺小的.它只有这大,不会再长大.地球表面的面积是亿平方公里,而人类生活的陆地大约只占其中的五分之一.这样,人类活动的范围就很小很小了. 地球所拥有的自然资源也是有限的.拿矿物资源来说,它不是上帝的恩赐),而是经过几百万年,甚至几亿年的地质变化才形成的.地球是无私的,它向人类慷慨地提供矿产资源.但是,如果不加节制地开采,地球上的矿产资源必将越来越少. 人类生活所需要的水资源、森林资源、生物资源、大气资源,本来是可以不断再生,长期给人类做贡献的.但是因为人类随意毁坏自然资源,不顾后果地滥用化学品,不但使它们不能再生,还造成了一系列生态灾难,给人类生存带来了严重的威胁. 有人会说,宇宙空间不是大得很吗,那里有数不清的星球,在地球资源枯竭的时候,我们不能移居到别的星球上去吗? 科学家已经证明,至少在以地球为中心的40万亿公里的范围内,没有适合人类居住的第二个星球.人类不能指望在破坏了地球以后再移居到别的星球上去. 不错,科学家们提出了许多设想,例如,在火星或者月球上建造移民基地.但是,这些设想即使实现了,也是遥远的事情.再说,又有多少人能够去居住呢? “我们这个地球太可爱了,同时又太容易破碎了!”这是宇航员遨游太空目睹地球时发出的感叹. 只有一个地球,如果它被破坏了,我们别无去处.如果地球上的各种资源都枯竭了,我们很难从别的地方得到补充.我们要精心地保护地球,保护地球的生态环境.让地球更好地造福于我们的子孙后代吧!

297 评论


小学六年级英语课文 Lesson 25

There are twelve months in a year.

January is the first first day, January 1st,is called New Year's Day.

Look! The children are is the second month of the year.

In China, the Spring Festival is in January or February.

Students have their winter holiday in February.

The children are celebrating the Spring Festival.

March is the third month of the year.

People can see green leaves and green grass everywhere.

In China,Tree Planting Day is on March 12th.

April is the fourth month of the year. Easter is in March or April.

It can be on any day from March 20th to April 20th.

Easter is always on a Easter, children get colour -ful Easter eggs.

小学六年级英语课文 Lesson 9

Just read and speak

Hi Lucy, I was glad to get your e-mail.

Let me tell you something about my family.

My family lives in Kunming. My father is a doctor and my mother....

Hi Li Yan, I was glad to read your e-mail.

Now let me tell you something about my grandpa.

My grandpa is very kind to me. I love him very much.

These photos are about his daily life. Every morning he gets up at six.

He takes a long walk from 6:15 to 7:00. Then he reads the newspapers.

In the afternoon,

he usually waters the flowers in his garden or plays with his pet dog.

He doesn't go out in the evening. He goes to bed at about 9:30.

Best wishes,Lucy

小学六年级英语课文 lesson 7

What are you doing, Li Yan?

I'm reading an e-mail from Lucy. She's my new friend.

Can I read it?

Li Yan: Sure!

Hi Li Yan, My name is Lucy. I'm from New Zealand.

I'm twelve.

Let me tell you something about my daily life.

I get up at seven every morning. I go to school at twenty past eight.

School begins at nine I have classes from 9:00 to 11:30.

I bring a lunch box to school. School ends at three.

I get home at about half past three. Then I do my homework

I have dinner at about seven. After dinner, I watch TV.

I go to bed at 9:00. How about you? Please e-mail me back. Best wishes, Lucy

小学六年级英语课文 lesson 5 just read and speak

look out!You mustn't cross the road now.

You must wait for the green light.

You mustn't spit on the ground. You must keep off the grass.

You mustn't pick the flowers.

You mustn't litter .We must take good car -e of young children.

小学六年级英语课文lesson 3 just read and speak

Peter is a good student at school.

But sometimes he is not a good boy at home.

He often makes a mess in his room.

He doesn't like to help to set the dinner table.

He watches TV the whole evening.

He reads in bed and he goes to bed very late.

Peter's mother writes some home rules for him:



should help to set the dinner table.

should go to bed early.

should keep your room clean.


shouldn't read in bed.

shouldn't watch TV till late.

shouldn't make a mess in your room.

小学六年级英语课文 lesson 1 just read and speak

Gao Wei is a good student.

He knows everyone in school should obey the rules.

He comes to school early. He listens to his teacher carefully.

He never makes noise in calss. He's a group leader.

His group is making a list of rules for the class.

Class Rules:

Listen to the teacher carefully?

Hand in your homework on time.

Don't be late for class.

Don't make noise in class.;

297 评论


我的是人教版的。 《I want a hot dog ,please.》Simon:What do you want ,Daming?Daming:I don't 's a hot dog ? Is it really a dog ?Simon:No,Daming. That's a hot looks good!Waitress:Can I help you?Daming:I want a hot dog , I want a hamburger .Simon's dad:A hamburger for me, to drink?Simon:I want a cola .Daming:A cola for me ,'s dad: Three colas ,'s two hamburgers,a hot dog and three 's dad :How much is it?waitress: It's thirteen dollars and twenty-five 's dad:Here you you. Enjoy your meal !翻译:《我要一个热狗,谢谢》西蒙:你想要什么,大明?大明:我不知道。什么是热狗?是真的狗吗?西蒙:不是,大明。那就是热狗。大明:那个看起来不错。女服务员:你需要什么?大明:我想要一个热狗。谢谢。西蒙:我要一个汉堡。西蒙的父亲:我也要一个汉堡。女服务员:喝点什么?西蒙:我要可乐大明:我也要可乐西蒙的父亲:三杯可乐,谢谢。女服务员:那是两个汉堡,一个热狗还有三杯可乐。西蒙的父亲:一共多少钱?女服务员:一共是三十美元和二十五美分。西蒙的放父亲:给你。女服务员:谢谢。请享用你的食品!

101 评论


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