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首页 > 英语培训 > 大庆三模英语作文培训

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Daqing, located in the western Songnen Plain, is an oil,petrochemical and high-tech industry known for emerging city is a shining pearl in the north country, known as the "green oil-based capital, natural 100 Lake City, the North Hot Springs township. "Daqing is China's largest oil field and an important petrochemical base. Oil production 50 years ago, accumulatively countries to contribute 2 billion tons of crude oil, profits and taxes turned over 1.7 trillion yuan and exports worth 50 billion U.S. dollars; dynamic farming and animal husbandry and in high-tech industries as the leading local economy thrive. The National Bureau of Statistics at the national competitions in the city's comprehensive strength ranks No. 19.Daqing, is a unique cultural heritage of the city. Patriotism, pioneering, truth-seeking spirit of dedication of Daqing, the iron man carrying forward the spirit of constant innovation; professional cultural works one after another, mass culture and colorful; Daqing people healthy and caring society and live in peace, happiness and harmonious; social undertakings flourishing, and now owns six University, the 10 model high schools, nearly a hundred research institutes, and is gradually becoming the cultural city in northern ChinaDaqing, is an eco-garden-oriented city, lake in the town, the Town in the Green. Busy urban areas, streets spacious, building unique, square Hui-hung, the environment elegant. Daytime, clear-sky blue grass green; night light star bright Fengqing. Summer solstice flowers, such as band, the winter snow rhyme abundance, filling European style. Dubai has won the United Nations to improve the living Environment Award and the Chinese Settlement Environment Award. In 2008 won the national civilized city and the National Sanitary City and other awards, for the city of Heilongjiang Hara!Daqing, is an emerging city in the wet ground. Surrounded by two rivers, green miles, lake Ze clouds, reeds and graciousness; Probe into wetlands, historical sites pursuit, grassland, horse racing, lake, surf, watch rare birds, Spa & Wellness ... ... here are the country's largest city wetland - Dragon Nature Reserve constitutes a beautiful wetland tourism landscape, be called man and nature live in harmony classic example.

261 评论


My hometown is a small village in Daqing。 Sand everywhere there before, very desolate.Traffic blocking。 Now ,the railway connecting the capital,there is very beautiful. In the middle of the village there is a small river before. Middle Creek has a pond with lotus in full bloom, there are many fish enjoy swimming in. Planted with almond trees around the village, a tree covered with sweet fruit. In front of every house loaded with beautiful flowers. Happy people live here.

290 评论



90 评论


  • 大庆三桥英语培训学校


    夜月叶耶也 4人参与回答 2024-04-27
  • 英语培训大庆

    我姐家孩子在新村学 在沃尔玛二楼 好像叫希望英语 他家孩子以前就不愿意学英语 在那上了几次课之后 以后自己就主动要求学了 我觉得学校应该不错吧 和大家分享下

    左左颜色 5人参与回答 2024-04-25
  • 三大英语培训模式


    混世金粉 5人参与回答 2024-04-26
  • 安庆高三英语培训


    快乐之光 4人参与回答 2024-04-26
  • 培训大庆英语

    “培训”的英文是trainingtraining    英[ˈtreɪnɪŋ]    美[ˈtrenɪŋ]    n.    训练; 培养; (枪炮,摄影机等的

    尚同家园 5人参与回答 2024-04-27