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1.Do you think obama will win the presidential election again?2.How should Chinese government deal with the provocation of the Philipines about the issue of Scarborough Reef?3.What do you think about the failure of the Rocket launching of North Korea?4.What should we do to change the situation of being a world factory into an innovative country?5.What's your attitude towards the event of killing Bin Laden by America Force?6.When conflicts happen among Southeast Asian Countries, what should our government do, being soft or tough?7.Should we be mad about the burning of our national flag by Fhilipinos?8. Why do think lakers lost the series against thunder?9.Do you think heat will make to the championship?10.Do you think the situation of corruption in China is too serious or not? 都是自己想的。

255 评论


英语口语讨论话题举例如下:话题: 暗恋Were you a secret admirer for someone?How was your feeling?How do you think about secret love?What is real love in your opinion?话题:写博客Do you have your own blog?How do you think about writing the blog?What kind of content would you like to write in your blog?Do you think people should write private things in the blog?话题:减压Do you have pressure for life and work?想要了解更多关于英语口语的相关信息,推荐咨询美联英语。美联英语15年专注英语教育,根据学员需求提供课程,产线囊括:成人英语、零基础英语、英语口语、雅思托福、职场商务英语等。有国际化内容(国际化师资+国际化教材+运用互联网的专业课堂)和专业教师=国际认证+定期专业评估+专业培训体系+“第二语言教学之父”倾囊指导。【免费领取英语试听课】

102 评论



Bill: Hello, Parker. How’s everything?

Parker :Can’t complain. And you?

Bill: Business is booming. I understand you want to meet up with me next week. How’s your schedule looking?

Parker: Let me see. I can come out and see you first thing Wednesday.

Bill: Great.

A: Finance, Angie speaking.

B: Hi Angie, it’s Tom Reynolds here. Can you tell me if my tuition fees for this semester havebeen approved?

A: Yes, Mr. Reynolds. They were approved yesterday. You can pick up the check today.

B: Oh wow! Thanks a million, Angie!






A: This is Frank Fin from France.


B: This is Dick Brown from the USA.


A: Mr. Fin, how do you think about our offer?


B: Mr. Brown, the price you offered is a little higher.


A: Mr. Fin, just think about our quality.


B: Yes, but can you grant us a discount?


A: We have to have a conference talking about it.


B: OK. Thank you for your consideration.


323 评论



Conversation 1

A : What an attractive blouse , You look so pretty in this blue dress!

B : Really ? Thank you . I bought it in Spring Street yesterday .

A : It's very nice . It goes well with your skirt .

B : Thank you . It's very nice of you to say so .

A : Not at all. This dress certainly shows your good taste.

B : That's quite a compliment coming from you .

Conversation 2

A : How do you do , Prof .Smith .

B : How do you do , Ms. Yang. You speak very good English .

A : Thank you . I begin to like English even when I was a child.

B : Where did you learn it?

A : At school , in China . This is my first time to be out of my own country .

B : It's amazing .

Conversation 3

A : I really like the book you lent me the other day .

B : I'm glad you like it .

A : And thank you very much for letting me keep it so long .

B : Not at all .

A : Everyone in our class enjoyed it too. It's very interesting .

B : Oh, I'm glad.

A : Would you mind me keeping it for another three days?

B : No problem.

Conversation 4

A : I think your speech was excellent.

B : Was it?

A : Sure it was .

B : Thank you . It was really a challenge to speak before such a large audience , you know.

A : But you did it and did it well!

Conversation 5

A : This is my house . Let me show you around it .

B : How beautiful the detached house is !

A : Follow me to the back-yard.

B : It's marvelous ! The lawn looks like a green carpet , and the garden with so many lovely flowers.

A : We had the grass cut and the flowers trimmed this morning .

B : No wonder it smells fragrant .

A : Here is the swimming pool and we can swim later.

B : It's fantastic!

Conversation 6

A : Hi !Wang Mei . Come and have a look at my new dress.

B : Oh! What a beautiful dress! It fits you so well . You look so charming in the dress.

A : Thank you for saying so .

B : Where did you buy it?

A : I bought it in a store near my school .

B : How much is it ?

A : It's only thirty yuan .

B : It's so cheap. I'll buy one , too.

A : I'll go together with you .

Conversation 7

A : What a nice tie you are wearing !

B : Thank you . But does it really look all right ?

A : Certainly . It matches your suit perfectly.

B : Then does it go well with my sweater?

A : Yes . You look very smart today .

B : Thank you very much.

140 评论


★无忧考网英语口语频道为网友整理的《适用于小组讨论或聊天用的20个英语口语话题》,供大家参考学习。下面是20个英语口语话题,适用于和朋友或者小组讨论聊天用。Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.Swimming in the ocean is better than swimming in a public pool.Alcohol should be illegal.Children should provide room and board for their aging parents.Studying grammar is more important than practising conversation skills.Television is the leading cause of violence in today's society.Dogs make better companions than cats.Smoking should be permitted in public places.Females are better students than males.A parent shouldn't pierce a baby's ears.Women should be allowed to go topless in public.Lawyers should make a higher salary than nurses.Everyone should plan their own funeral.Reading English is more difficult than writing English.Summer is the best season of the year.Children under 13 should not be allowed to babysit.High school students should wear uniforms.21 should be the legal driving age around the world.Rock and Roll is the best kind of music.The government should pay for post secondary education.

166 评论


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