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1. The most important thing for young Minzhi is not to lose any more pupils from the school---NOT ONE LESS—before Mr Gao returns!

2. She tries to keep the students in the classroom by locking them up in the classroom and running after those who escape

3. Minzhi wants to go to town, but she can’t afford to buy a bus ticket

4. She wants them to let her appear live on the air, hoping that Huike will see her

5. Many people like this not just because the story itself is moving, but also because most of the people in the film use their real names and play themselves

6. I guess it wasn’t really your fault, was it?

7. People who go to a formal Western dinner party for the first time may be surprised by table manners in Western culture

8. Having good table manners means knowing ,for example, how to use knives and forks, when to drink a toast and how to behave at the table

9. The knife and fork that are closest to your plate are a little bit bigger than the ones beside them

10. In China, you sometimes get a hot, damp cloth to clean your face and hands, which ,however, is not the custom in Western countries

11. When drinking to someone’s health, you raise your glasses, but the glasses should not touch

12. Although good manners always make you look good, you do not need to worry about all these rules while having dinner with your friends or family

13. It is true that many of the world’s greatest cities have been built on the banks of a river

14. We will do everything we can to save our city

15. Pieces of the palaces that had been hidden before the Nazis came could be used to build the city and its culture

16. With the help of old paintings and photographs, the people of St Petersburg were able to bring back the beauty of their culture and history

17. Old paintings, including a portrait of Peter the Great which was found in the snow outside St Petersburg, have been carefully recreated, and the old palaces have been made as wonderful as in the past

18. Today Peter the Great on his bronze horse can once again look out over the city he built

19. Strong, proud and united, the people of St Petersburg are the modern heroes of Russia

20. Some of the games in which the young men completed were: running, jumping and wrestling

21. In Sydney the Chinese team got gold medals, ranking third of the competing countries

22. Many of the Chinese medals were won in diving and gymnastics and also in events such as weightlifting and shooting

23. Following the history-making success in the Sydney Olympic Games, China won another great competition in which was not for a medal

24. The people of Beijing and of the whole country, will be preparing to light the Olympic torch to welcome athletes and sports fans from all over the world

25. Wang Mei puts her hand into her pocket,takes out her red cellphone and presses the talk key

26. Cellphones, or mobile phones ,make it possible for us to talk to anyone from anywhere

27. New functions are being added to the phones

28. The latest cellphones have features such as games ,music and an electronic calendar that will remind you about appointments and important dates

29. The students obey the rules and agree not to use their phones in the classroom

30. The answer seems to be that we have a need to stay in touch with friends and family no matter where we are or what we are doing

1. We have-fied Dalian City by improving the public gardens and parks.


2. I love European parks and gardens.


3. someone who maintains the grounds (of an estate or park or athletic field).


4. A small house on the grounds of an estate or a park, used by a caretaker or gatekeeper.

5. 门房庄园或公园里的小屋,供管理员或看门人使用

6. The Provisional Regional Council manages more than 600 parks and gardens of various sizes, including six major parks.


7. British-born American landscape architect who was a designer of Central Park in New York City.


8. A path between flower beds or trees in a garden or park.


9. The keeper of a royal forest or park.


10. The bottom of our garden verges on the park.


119 评论


They came to the conclusion that not all things can be done by a computer.他们得出结论,不是所有的事情都可以被计算机做。 Smoking does great harm to our health.吸烟对我们的健康造成很大的危害。 Only then did he realize his mistakes.仅仅那个时候他才意识到他的错误。 Come and see me whenever you are convenient.方便的时候来看看我。 I thought Jim would say something about his school report , but he didn’t mention it.我想吉姆会说一些关于他成绩单的事情,但是他没有提。 I wonder why Jenny hasn’t written us recently We should have heard from her by now.我想知道珍妮最近没给我们写信的原因,目前为止我们本应该收到她的来信的。 He will have learned English for eight years by the time he graduates from the university next year.到明年他从大学毕业的时候,他将学习英语八年了。 I feel it is your husband who is to blame for the spoiled child.我感觉应该为这个被宠坏的孩子受到责备的人是你的丈夫。 Rainforests are being cut and burned at such a speed that they will disappear from the earth in the near future.雨林正在被以如此快的速度被砍伐和燃烧以至于不远的将来它们就会从地球上消失。 It will not be long before we know the result of the experiment.不久之后,我们就会知道实验的结果了。 Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technology is changing so rapidly.选择一部供个人使用的手机不是件简单的事情,因为科技改变如此的迅速。 In such dry weather , the flowers will have to be watered if they are to survive.在这样干旱的天气,这些花要想活下来就必须被浇水。 Hundreds of jobs will be lost if the factory closes.如果工厂关闭,成百上千的工作将消失。 A new cinema is being built here They hope to finish it next month.一家新的影院正在这里被建。他们希望下个月完成它。 The reporter said that the UFO was traveling east to west when he saw it.这位记者说,不明飞行物正在由西向东移动时,他看到了它。 All the preparations for the task have been completed , and we are really to start.这项任务的所有准备工作已经完成,我们真的要出发了。 Try some of the juice——perhaps you will like it .尝尝这个果汁,可能你会喜欢的。 The price has gone down , but I doubt whether it will remain so .价格已经下降了,但是我怀疑是否会保持这样。 No sooner had he got to the lab than he set out to do the experiment.他一到实验室就开始做实验。 Helen had left her key in the office, so she had to wait until her husband came back home.海伦把钥匙落在了办公室,所以在她丈夫回来之前必须等。 An awful accident did , however , occur the other day.几天前确实发生了一场糟糕的事故。 In some western countries , demand for graduates from MBA courses has fallen down.在一些西方国家,对MBA课程的毕业生的要求已经降低了。

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