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supply chainA supply chain, logistics network, or supply network is a coordinated system of organizations, people, activities, information and resources involved in moving a product or service in physical or virtual manner from supplier to customer. The entities of a supply chain typically consist of manufacturers, service providers, distributors, sales channels (e.g. retail, ecommerce) and consumers (end customers). Supply chain activities (aka value chains or life cycle processes) transform raw materials and components into a finished product that is delivered to the end customer. Supply chain links value chains. There are a variety of supply chain models, which address both the upstream and downstream sides. The primary objective of supply chain management is to fulfill customer demands through the most efficient use of resources, including distribution capacity, inventory and labour. Supply chain management (SCM) is the process of planning, implementing, and controlling the operations of the supply chain with the purpose to satisfy customer requirements as efficiently as possible. Supply chain management spans all movement and storage of raw materials, work-in-process inventory, and finished goods from point-of-origin to point-of-consumption. The term supply chain management was coined by strategy consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton in 1982. According to the (CSCMP), a professional association that developed a definition in 2004, Supply Chain Management "encompasses the planning and management of all activities involved in sourcing and procurement, conversion, and all logistics management activities. Importantly, it also includes coordination and collaboration with channel partners, which can be suppliers, intermediaries, third-party service providers, and customers. In essence, Supply Chain Management integrates supply and demand management within and across companies."[1] Supply chain event management (abbreviated as SCEM) is a consideration of all possible occurring events and factors that can cause a disruption in a supply chain. With SCEM possible scenarios can be created and solutions can be planned. Some experts distinguish supply chain management and logistics management, while others consider the terms to be interchangeable. From the point of view of an enterprise, the scope of supply chain management is usually bounded on the supply side by your supplier's suppliers and on the customer side by your customer's customers. Supply chain management is also a category of software products. Opportunities enabled by Supply Chain Management The following strategic and competitive areas can be used to their full advantage if a supply chain management system is properly implemented. Fulfillment. “Ensuring the right quantity of parts for production or products for sale arrive at the right time.”(Haag, Cummings, McCubbrey, et al., 2006, p. 46). This is enabled through efficient communication, ensuring that orders are placed with the appropriate amount of time available to be filled. The supply chain management system also allows a company to constantly see what is on stock and making sure that the right quantities are ordered to replace stock. Logistics. “Keeping the cost of transporting materials as low as possible consistent with safe and reliable delivery.” (Haag, Cummings, McCubbrey, et al., 2006, p. 46). Here the supply chain management system enables a company to have constant contact with its distribution team, which could consist of trucks, trains, or any other mode of transportation. The system can allow the company to track where the required materials are at all times. As well, it may be cost effective to share transportation costs with a partner company if shipments are not large enough to fill a whole truck and this again, allows the company to make this decision. Production. “Ensuring production lines function smoothly because high-quality parts are available when needed.” (Haag, Cummings, McCubbrey, et al., 2006, p. 46). Production can run smoothly as a result of fulfillment and logistics being implemented correctly. If the correct quantity is not ordered and delivered at the requested time, production will be halted, but having an effective supply chain management system in place will ensure that production can always run smoothly without delays due to ordering and transportation. Revenue & profit. “Ensuring no sales are lost because shelves are empty.”(Haag, Cummings, McCubbrey, et al., 2006, p. 46). Managing the supply chain improves a company’s flexibility to respond to unforeseen changes in demand and supply. Because of this, a company has the ability to produce goods at lower prices and distribute them to consumers quicker than companies without supply chain management thus increasing the overall profit. Costs. “Keeping the cost of purchased parts and products at acceptable levels.” (Haag, Cummings, McCubbrey, et al., 2006, p. 46). Supply chain management reduces costs by “… increasing inventory turnover on the shop floor and in the warehouse” (&ldquo Supply chain management,” 2006) controlling the quality of goods thus reducing internal and external failure costs and working with suppliers to produce the most cost efficient means of manufacturing a product. Cooperation. “Among supply chain partners ensures 'mutual success.'” (Haag, Cummings, McCubbrey, et al., 2006, p. 46). Collaborative planning, forecasting and replenishment (CPFR) is a “longer-term commitment, joint work on quality, and support by the buyer of the supplier’s managerial, technological, and capacity development.” (Klassen, Krajewski, Ritzman, 2004, p.293) This relationship allows a company to have access to current, reliable information, obtain lower inventory levels, cut lead times, enhance product quality, improve forecasting accuracy and ultimately improve customer service and overall profits. The suppliers also benefit from the cooperative relationship through increased buyer input from suggestions on improving the quality and costs and though shared savings. Consumers can benefit as well through the higher quality goods provided at a lower cost. AS/RS (Automatic Storage Retrieval System)自动存取机/系统 自动存取仓储系统WCS (Warehouse Control System)仓储控制系统 Third Party Logistics Service Provider第三方物流服务商WMS (Warehouse Management System)仓储管理系统 Operation Area理货区Bonded Warehouse国际物流中心保税仓库 Export Processing Zone加工出口区Picking拣货 Platform月台Value Added Network—VAN加值网路 Electronic Data Interchange电子资料交换EDI dry cargo干货 alternate tiers row pattern交错码放dunnage填充 assembly packaging集合包装fill rate供应比率 average inventory平均存货floor utilization percentage地面面积利用率 blockpattern row pattern整齐码放forklift truck叉车 brick pattern砌砖式码放freight container货物集装箱 buffer stock缓冲储备general cargo一般货物 cargo freight货物industrial vehicle工业车辆 carrying搬运intermodal transportation复合一贯运输 cold chain system冷冻链系统lashing捆扎加固 common carrier公共承运人load efficient装载效率 consolidation装运整合loading and unloading装卸 container terminal集装箱中转站logistical utilities物流效用 contract carrier契约承运人logistics物流 contract logistics契约物流materials handling物料搬运 cycle inventory周期存货net unit load size净单元货载尺寸 delivery配送order picking指令拣选 depalletizer托盘拆垛机order shipped complete订货完成率 devanning拆箱shed临时周转仓库 packaged cargo包装货物sorting分类 packaging包装special cargo特殊货物 pallet托盘spot stock现场储备 pallet pool system通用托盘系统stacking堆垛 palletization托盘化stockout frequency缺货频率 palletizer托盘堆垛机storage存储 palletizing pattern托盘装载方式surface utilization percentage表面利用率 pick up货物聚集third part logistics第三方物流 picking拣选作业transit inventory中转存货 pictorial marking for handling货运标识transportation运输 pinwheel pattern针轮式码放transportation package size by modular coordination运输包装系列尺寸 plan view size平面尺寸truck terminal卡车货运站 platform站台unit load单元货载 physical distribution model物流标准unit load system单元货载系统 rack货架vanning装箱 returnable container通用容器warehouse仓库 safety stock安全储备Powered Stacker自走式电动堆高机 Powered Pallet Truck电动拖板车Reach Truck前伸式电动堆高机 Order Picking Truck电动拣料车AGV无人甙彳

225 评论


SC(Supply chain)

182 评论


供应链的英文缩写是:SC(Supply chain)

chain 读法 英 [tʃeɪn] 美 [tʃeɪn]

1、n(名词). 束缚;链条;链;(一)连串;连锁店(常用复数)

2、vt(及物动词). 束缚;用铁链锁住


1、clanking chain 叮当作响的铁链

2、strong chain 坚固的锁链

3、the island chains 岛屿群

4、tire chain 轮胎防滑链

5、watch chain 表链







1、break a chain 打碎铁链

2、fasten a chain 系紧锁链

3、pull the chain 冲洗厕所

4、shake off one's chains 摆脱锁链

5、tighten a chain 拉紧锁链

329 评论


SC supply chain 供应链

180 评论


PR或PRC(price) 价格






JIT(Just In Time)准时制生产方式




custom made:需指定制造的产品

first priority:最高的优先级别

PPR( Premium price request):高于标准价格采购请求

RFQ(request for quote):报价请求,询盘

ESI(Early supplier involvement):供应商早期介入

cost modeling:成本模型

STD price:标准价格

Stock-out cost:缺货成本

awarded supplier:指定供应商

escalate to higher level:提交上级处理

cut hard order:手动下订单

customer demand pull-in:客户需求提前或增加



EAU (Estimated annual usage):预估每年需求量

line down:停产

APQP(advanced product quality planning):指产品在量产前对如何实现产品以及如何进行质量控制看展的策划活动。

PPAP(production part approval process):生产件批准程序,是指第一次生产样件时向客户提交一系列文件记录清单,如样品检测报告,FMEA,工艺流程图,控制计划,图纸等等,要提交的资料根据客户要求进行,提交后客户将确认OK后方可进行试生产阶段。

EOQ(economic ordering quantity):经济订购数量,EOQ= (A:单位时间净需求 S:每次订购费用 U:商品单位成本 C:储存成本)

EDI(electronic data interchange):电子数据交换。

R&D (research and design) 研发

APS (automated purchasing system) 自动采购系统

CAD (computer automated design) 计算机辅助设计

ERP (enterprise resource planning) 企业资源计划

ANX (automotive network exchange) 自动网络交换

CPO (chief procurement officers) 采购总监

CPE (collaborative planning and execution) 合作计划和执行

TCA (total cost of acquisition) 总获取成本 或 TCO Ownership

CPFR (collaborative,planning,forecasting,replenishment) 合作,计划,预测,补充

SCM (supply chain management) 供应链管理

VMI (vendor managed inventory) 卖方管理库存

VMR (vendor managed replenishment) 卖方管理补货

SCOR (supply chain operations reference) 供应链管理指南

LEW (least ex works) 最小离岸价

MOM (markup over coat model) 成本变动

3PL (third party logistics) 第三方后勤服务

MRP (material requirements planning) 物料需求计划

CIO (computer information officers) 信息主管

PDCA (plan-do-check action cycle) 计划-实施-检查循环

分析库存-库存盘点;Inventory analysis-Create physical inventory document

做采购申请;Create purchase requisition

批准采购申请;Approve purchase requisition

做采购订单;Create purchase order

创建货源清单,询价-报价-确认供应商;Create source list, enquire-quotation-choose supplier

做合同;Create contract

收货-验货-发货 Goods receipt-goods inspection-goods issue

催**,校验**;Push supplier`s invoice, invoice verify

付款;Arrange payment


CIF (cost,insurance&freight)成本、保险加运费价

CFR(cost and freight)成本加运费价T/T(telegraphic transfer)电汇

D/P(document against payment)付款交单

D/A (document against acceptance)承兑交单

C.O (certificate of origin)一般原产地证

EMS (express mail special)特快传递

G.S.P.(generalized system of preferences)普惠制







G.W.(gross weight)毛重

N.W.(net weight)净重

C/D (customs declaration)报关单


W (with)具有





MAX (maximum)最大的、最大限度的

MIN (minimum)最小的,最低限度

M 或MED (medium)中等,中级的

M/V(merchant vessel)商船


MT或M/T(metric ton)公吨

DOC (document)文件、单据


P/L (packing list)装箱单、明细表

INV (invoice)**PCT (percent)百分比

REF (reference)参考、查价



S/M (shipping marks)装船标记

PR或PRC(price) 价格

PUR (purchase)购买、购货

S/C(sales contract)销售确认书

L/C (letter of credit)信用证

B/L (bill of lading)提单

FOB (free on board)离岸价

EMEA为Europe, the Middle East and Africa的字母缩写,为欧洲、中东、非洲三地区的合称,通常是用作政府行政或商业上的区域划分方式,这种用法较常见于北美洲的企业,该些企业通常将国际的营运用以下的方式划分或标示:

美洲,包括北美洲和南美洲 (AMER);

北美洲 (NORAM);

欧洲、中东及非洲 (EMEA);

拉丁美洲 (LATAM);

泛太平洋亚洲及日本 (APAC / APJ)

北美、中美及南美洲 (NCSA)

近年有较多公司将东欧的业务从欧洲中划分出来,并以EEMEA (Emerging Europe, Middle East, and Africa) 来区分。







VMI: vendor managed inventory, 供应商管理的库存

VMI管理模式是从QR(快速响应,Quick Response)和ECR(高效客户响应,Efficient Customer Response)基础上发展而来,其核心思想是供应商通过共享用户企业的当前库存和实际耗用数据,按照实际的消耗模型、消耗趋势和补货策略进行有实际根据的补货。由此,交易双方都变革了传统的独立预测模式,尽最大可能地减少由于独立预测的不确定性导致的商流、物流和信息流的浪费,降低了供应链的总成本。


MRO,是Maintenance, Repair and Operating的缩写,指维修与作业耗材。也可解释为非生产性物资。MRO采购是通过MRO企业实现非生产性物品的全球采购,所有的活动都依靠网络MRO工业品超市完成。MRO间接采购是一个服务于企业各部门的工作,主要协调各部门之间的发展。


SWOT分析法是用来确定企业自身的竞争优势、竞争劣势、机会和威胁,从而将公司的战略与公司内部资源、外部环境有机地结合起来的一种科学的分析方法。S (strengths)是优势、W (weaknesses)是劣势,O (opportunities)是机会、T (threats)是威胁。按照企业竞争战略的完整概念,战略应是一个企业“能够做的”(即组织的强项和弱项)和“可能做的”(即环境的机会和威胁)之间的有机组合。


准时制生产方式(Just In Time简称JIT),又称作无库存生产方式(stockless production),零库存(zero inventories),一个流(one-piece flow)或者超级市场生产方式(supermarket production)。准时制是日本丰田汽车公司在20世纪60年代实行的一种生产方式,1973年以后,这种方式对丰田公司渡过第一次能源危机起到了突出的作用,后引起其它国家生产企业的重视,并逐渐在欧洲和美国的日资企业及当地企业中推行开来,这一方式与源自日本的其它生产、流通方式一起被西方企业称为“日本化模式”。


5W2H分析法又叫七何分析法,是二战中美国陆军兵器修理部首创。发明者在设计新产品时,常常提出:为什么(Why);做什么(What);何人做(Who);何时(When);何地(Where);如何(How );多少(How much)。这就构成了5W2H法的总框架。




229 评论


SCM -- Supply Chain Management 供应链管理(一般这个方向的研究都是用这个简称的)如果单纯的只要翻译“供应链”应该就是 SC 了

344 评论


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    不好意思,有些不会翻~1. ECC NO. 欧盟商品代号2. EXCISE REGISTRATION NO. 特许税登记号/消费税登记号3. EXCISE RA

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