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Jinan Baotu Spring term to guide good friends : You are welcome to visit Qingdao Laoshan tour. Qingdao dozens of mountains, nature Laoshan is a flash in the pan. Laoshan scenic total area of 446 square kilometers, of which around mountain cliff line of 87.3 km. 1133-meter high peak, his rise to the sky, next to elevate above sea level. Laoshan fresh and humid climate, the average temperature of 12.6 degrees Celsius, the average winter temperature of -0.2 degrees Celsius, The average summer temperature of 23 degrees Celsius. Laoshan a long history, monuments Carnival. Much more than 140 million years ago in early Cretaceous, Laoshan was formed 5, 6000 years ago, the settlers live in this habitat. created a brilliant Longshan culture. "" Later Han. Every Meng Chuan "," "" Nanshi. Ming Ming Chuan Monk "" records, and so on. Laoshan unique natural landscape and natural characteristics. The emotions connected to the sea and the sky the same color, and magnificent; Within Qunfeng towering mountains, lost severity, the pair overlapping cliff wall cutting knife, stealing secluded ravine, Every image on the stone peaks abound, heterogeneous, wings; blue sea knows no boundaries, high mountains, dense forests, and mixed with clutch, Lan-changing; sea cliff lines long and winding or broad vistas, Yanbo depths, or the great tide of worldwide, Gu Ming Ying Shan. Famous Spring Laoshan Shengshui exotic. God springs, St. springs, the liquid spring, and three others hexaacetyl Chingchuankang the market leader; Chaoyin Fall, the Longtan waterfall and other scenic beauty with the favorites. Famous Qingdao Laoshan mineral water and beer are on the basis of this water from the ground. Laoshan luxuriant trees, flowers prosperity grass-mao, the region only old trees and flowers has more than 110 strains, some of the trees were 2,500 years. Mountain, a green spring, summer shade Blot out the Sun, golden autumn flowering, winter is everywhere Yushu Qionghua. Laoshan mountain and its wonders,'s profound quiet forever, "the immortals cave house," and "caves" reputation redoubled emperors and generals, scholars Ascot, who's respected monks Road. Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai in left "If I Donghai, the Laoshan meal Zi-xia," the famous poem. Qing Pu Songling Laoshan scenery to write the contents of the "" MAILE "," "" Laoshandaoshi "" and other renowned. Hill Temple temple north, the peak time "JiuGongTu 72 : 8 concept," said. In short, fresh and moist air, a long and splendid history and culture, and its unique cultural and natural landscape, Laoshan Tourist constitute the rich connotation. Laoshan tourism sub-south, north, east, each line as a pearl necklace, numerous connections with the landscape (points). In this paper, "Laoshan tour habit of" tourist routes on each of several major online landscape (points) less than on the left to explore Laoshan winners themselves to savor. 2, the basic tourist route (south) Organization in -- Mingxia hole -- Temple -- Longtan waterfall attractions guides : also known as the Organization in Organization in under the Qing, the locals also said under the Palace. Laoshan in south-Leader, the former Provisional Yellow Sea, a vast expanse of Bristol, according to background seven peaks summits actually show, add to the beauty of the terrain, bamboo Yu-Jong Weng, the Cannes left, Winter separated Schomburg gas-called "small Jiangnan the North." Laoshan ancient gods cents Miyake's Cave said, traditionally peak periods JiuGongTu 72 : 8 concept, and now a few are 17. According to the "" Organization in Intramongolica "" record : Organization in the Western Han Dynasty built in the first year of Jianyuan (221 of 140), Jiang Xi-rui capital of Hamish County Zhang Lian husband created. ZHANG Lian-fu, as static characters, Leshan, born in the Han Emperor nine years and as on the doctor, after the abandonment of post into Taoism. Astrology Metaphysics, into Zhongnanshan studied for several years in the division missionary to Laoshan yang, maritime coast, a repair Mao Yan, three great lords where the throne. Jianyuan three years (221, 138), to build the temple, where three - statue, his name "Organization in," This is the Organization in the origin and has been there for two thousand years of history. Tang dynasty, Xuan Tung Yu Assissi Laoshan, and the expansion of the Palace, where had references to the Three statues and when that happens, Organization in has begun to take shape. Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period, if clumsy Road Liu Yu to Laoshan, the Organization in the process of a major renovation. Qingyuan the first year of the Southern Song Dynasty (AD 1195), Chiu Kun aircraft from the Department of Laoshan Hill to preach. Since then, the Laoshan Taoism, including the Organization in Mingyangtianxia, Commonwealth Avenue acolytes from many, and some who hid in religion. Some of the books said. Zhang Sanfeng, Xu Yang Xiu, etc. In this aisle. Ming Dynasty 13 years to 28 years, the Organization in the Historical occurred in a dispute. And the master monk Hanshan Road Geng Yilan mutual contention Organization in the temple site, the lawsuit has been hitting the Shenyang Military Region has lasted 10 years. Road to the end in favor ended. Organization in the former are "sea Chiu won ruins" Inscriptions 13 years of the Ming Dynasty master Jianhai Hanshan Temple in the Palace Chiu, 1939, the emperor Xiangzhi destroyed Temple complex Palace, which was recorded in the matter. Organization in area of 30,000 square meters and a building area of 2,500 square meters. The temple is divided into three courtyards, each entrance. Sanguandian worship "space official," "local government officials" and "officials" three statues; Temple worship "moral respect" and "Jesus Donghua Emperor" "Hope Donghua Emperor"; had references to the Three Temple worship "Fuxi", "The Essential", "Before" Stories. Organization in tall, the hospital "leading-yu," also known as "Chinese elm," God Save the Tang Dynasty for years by the mysterious planting of Assissi. Ginkgo hospital, Age-down trees longer. Ming Nai-Tung by planting two trees, now that each spring to make winter, bright flowers, flowering period for more than three months. Qing Dynasty famous writer Pu Songling In "" Liaozhaizhiyi "" list of "" MAILE "" describes remember "MAILE" "Jiangxue" story, said the hospital is a big red peony and Nai-Tung in disguise. Dianwai three officials of the hospital is a spring called God springs and the springs Qinglie sweet, not dry drought, flooding is not over -- Laoshan is the first Luk. Ming Ming Tung holes in mountains of Kunming, capital of basalt peaks, a Department of Natural Macartney, the original Temple of the one individual institutions. "" Rubber O Intramongolica "" contains, Mingxia holes "built in the Dading, 2002 (Year 1166)" Tung Summit "Mingxia hole" is a misnomer, according to legend, as Qiu machines book. Sun Road from Ziyang has began here. Cliff hole on the inlay inscribed "" Sun Ziyang dredging "" containing its practice Buddhism 1989. Yuan built adjacent to the hole "Doumugong" from the Buddhist. Ming-Lung-year period (1567 -- 1572), when construction of rehabilitation "Reconstruction" one. the late Qing Dynasty built the "Goddess of Mercy Temple" one. Reportedly, there were monks here, Road turn of history. Gao Kuang Ming Tung terrain, scenery unseen Korea, North Korea halo sunset, the clouds can, countless rays of light breeze changing constantly. It has been called the "San Yee Ming," and its prospects as one of the Laoshan 12. Laoshan Taoist Temple in the southern hills, mountains and valleys, because here was deep into the mountains and dust are separated, fresh air, with the tops of pine trees and green slopes, Xiu-lounge, Chingchuankang birds, rocks stand, not only Yi-jing, which is especially beautiful. Taoist Temple is the Mountain View camp, which is Laoshan unique "jungle" temple. Taoism "medium", "money" and "cooperative" three Palace known as the "three-in Wonderland." "Days in the supernatant must Xia, claiming eight Huang, Wan's nine cents, and had Temple," and therefore named. Because with the Organization in symmetry, listed Palace, and Organization in, the same hole Mingxia Laoshan Road southeast of the main concept. Gong founded in the early Song Dynasty, it was Zhao Kuangyin s Huagai live for Liu if clumsy construction of the temples, Song has been spent to injure. Yuan Dade first year of the Buddha hung emblem master hole They said that the repair work Yukio Temple. Temple has around two courtyards and partial hospital Dianyu 28 buildings, covering an area of about 1,000 square meters. Made up the old three-worship, the Jade Emperor worship hall, about Hip honor "three officers" and "seven true." Temple within towering old trees, with a diameter of 2.53 meters ginkgo, Yokode Stands on three emulsion tree aneurysm, very rare, reportedly can grow into a millennium. The mosque east side of the House have a boulder from "Road Hill," Hill Road and the ramp to the Stone Kegu, Qiu engraved with the machine "" lovely "" Ciyishou. Miyanishi is an arc-shaped knoll Stone, who "endure Shan Temple," and engraved with the Department Chiu Wing-machine Laoshan Qijue 10. Stone under a Qingquan, the name "St. springs," as one of the Laoshan were Luk. Longtan Waterfall Longtan waterfall known as the Jade County, the water elevation of 500 meters from the days of tea and the top gate days between the north of the valley. Soul runs along the pool for a few 10 streams, forming a riptide and Pentium, in a 30-meter-high platform on the cliffs, and straight out of feet outside; warm water in the air after several twists and turns, will be a synthesis of about 30 meters and a width of 5 meters waterfall along the cliffs fall into the 90-degree cliff among the beer. That momentum, like an off Yulong, from the cliff's subversive, mood-elevating, sped under attack splashing in the lake. People to their form, select the sound and watch their color, called "Longtan Waterfall", the waterfalls, pools named "Longtan" Falls top "Longyinhe" two official script to read, one-meter diameter, contemporary famous calligrapher Huangmiaozi 1981 travel book as Laoshan. Fall under-long boulder under tip-ping, visitors sit platform may look far to last four weeks, Near be looking up "Longtan jet Rain," the magnificent scenery. 3. basic tourist routes (north) North nine water Jianyu -- burner -- General Kegu -- Gold Wangyue1 Stone -- flying stone - - fly Wind Cliff -- master Cliff -- Music waterfall shower -- Wei Penny :

245 评论


英语是当今世界上使用最为广泛的语言,根据旅游景点情况使用英语准确描述出来,因此,英语 导游词 具备自身独有的语言特色。下面就是我给大家带来的5篇英文导游词,欢迎大家阅读参考!

英文导游词1 万里长城

Hello, everyone! I am a small tour guide Chen Mingxiao. Welcome to the magnificent the Great Wall. Today, I am honored to introduce to you the the Great Wall, the great ancient Chinese architecture. Now, let's start a tour of the Great Wall!As the saying goes, "less than the Great Wall is not a good man", climbing the Great Wall must have perseverance and unyielding perseverance and determination, and can not give up halfway. We can watch and climb on the other side. Let me first introduce the Great Wall to you: the Great Wall is made up of Guan Cheng, enemy building, smoke pier, Beacon Tower, enemy platform, wall platform, woo wall, stack, hole, perforation, etc. The Beacon Tower and the mound are used to deliver the enemy. During the day, smoked on smoked pits, and the number of smoke piles represents the number of enemy soldiers. I can't see the smoke at night and make a fire on the Beacon Tower. This way of transmitting information was the fastest and most effective in that era, and Beacon Tower played a very important role.At this time, I saw a child climbing on the wall. I held him down and said to everyone, "please be careful not to climb on the wall. It is very dangerous. Outside the wall is a dangerous mountain. Falling down is not fun! "Now, let me tell you more about the story of the Great Wall: Once upon a time, there was a man named Meng Jiangnu who went to dress for her husband who repaired the Great Wall. She went to the Great Wall, but she didn't find her husband. She quickly asked others that he had been buried in the Great Wall. She cried and cried for many years. Finally, she cried down the Great Wall and finally saw her husband.The Great Wall is beautiful, magnificent, winding, and you are welcome to visit it.

英文导游词2 山西

Hello, everyone! My name is xxx. WWelcome to Shanxi!

Shanxi city of north-south strip-like terrain, the north-east, south-west low, thus forming a temperature significantly higher than in the south of the characteristics of the north-east. When the heat in the southern region of Yuncheng encounter, the northern part of the Mountain, Mount Wutai is breezy, pleasant scenery.

Shanxi multi-level and the geographic landform created a rich natural resources. Suitable for a variety of crop growth, such as areas of Yuncheng wheat, cotton, Shanxi Province's mountainous naked oats, and potatoes. Shanxi because of the climate, soil, has also created a variety of local products, such as millet, Qin, XU grapes, the original level of pears, walnuts Fenyang, the Jiksan date, and so on, are very well-known. There Fenyang of Heng Fa Chuen Fen, XU old mature vinegar is particularly well-known, has long been sold overseas.

Shanxi also rich in mineral resources in the forest. Coal reserves in the nation's top coal fields throughout the province for more than 80 percent of counties and cities.

Shanxi's well-known products, from Shanxi's also a very famous diligence simple, "Lian Li the best in the world" in the Jackie Chan is from Shanxi. Because of the history of Shanxi Province, after a long period of national integration, not to facilitate traffic, so that the formation of a large number of Shanxi dialect. There are many areas in Shanxi Drama, Yangko, folk songs, such as recreational activities.

However, today's Shanxi Province, Shanxi is not the former, with the economic development of Shanxi, earthshaking changes have taken place. Wutai Mountain Buddhism Festival, the pasta section of the International Taiyuan, Pingyao International Photography Exhibition, and so on, fully demonstrated the new look from Shanxi. Even as paper cutting, folk art, and other people face, but also out of Shanxi, go out of the country, to overseas

英文导游词3 丽江

Lijiang is a beautiful shining jewel on the Northwest Yunnan Plateau neighboring the southeast side of the an Plateau which is considered to be the "Roof of the World". It is impressive because of its scenery and lush vegetation. =Lijiang boasts of breath-taking wonderful sights such as Jade Dragon Snow Mountain and its modern maritime glacier, the only one of its kind in the southern end of the Northern Hemisphere; Tiger Leaping Gorge; the world - famous grand canyon; Lugu Lake, the cultural cradle of the "Matriarchy" of the Yongning Mosuo people in Ninglang. Lijiang Town is officially called "Dayan Town"—— "Dayan" literally means a "great inkstab", a graphic description of the town’s location on a piece of rich flatland fed by a river and surrounded by green mountains. There is no other town in China like Dayan which incorporates the folkways of so many people and the architectural styles of both north and south China.

The people of Naxi, while developing their land of snow-clad mountains and turbulent rivers since ancient times, have to their credit the "Dong Ba Culture" seen as one of the world wonders, a culture all-embracing while unique.

All these natural sceneries and these cultural treasures of the minority peoples have been continuously drawing tourists from all over the world and have recently vote Lijiang as one of the favorite destinations in China.

英文导游词4 西湖

the famous west lake is like a brilliant pearl embedded in the beautiful and fertile shores of the east china sea near the mouth of the hangzhou bay. the lake covers an area of 5.6 square kilometers. the view of the west lake is simply enchanting, which offers many attractions for tourists at home and abroad.

tiger-running spring

the legend goes that two tights ran there and made a hole where a spring gushed out. the longjing tea and the tiger-running spring water are always reputed as the "two wonders of the west lake".

the lingyin monastery

the lingyin monastery, or the monastery of soul’s retreat, is a famous historical site of the west lake. here exists the lingyin monastery, a famous ancient temple in china, in front of which there are feilai peak, cold spring, longhong cave and precious rock cave arts and queer and varied natural caves and gullies.

spring dawn at su causeway

it’s a 2.8 km. long boulevard cutting across the south-north scenic area, and lined with trees and flowering plants. when spring comes with crimson peach blossoms and green willows; the scenery is all the more charming. strolling along the boulevard, one feels as if the west lake were wakening in dawn mist. young willows were ethereal, spring breeze so caressing, and birds were chirping in unison.

the moon reflected in three pools

"there are islands in the lake and three are lake on the islands." the three stone towers were first built in yuanyou 4th year (1089) of the song dynasty, with the wonderful scenery of "one moon in the sky having three reflection in the lake", it is one of the wonderful scenes of the west lake.

英文导游词5 上海玉佛寺

ladies and gentlemen, today we are going to visit a famous buddhist temple---the jade buddha temple. before visiting the temple, i’d like to say a few words about the religious situation in shanghai. our constitution stipulates that every chinese citizen is ensured the freedom of religious belief. there are four major religions in practice in shanghai, namely, buddhism, taoism, islam, and christianity, which is sub-divided into the catholic church and the protestant church. when it comes to buddhist temples in china, they are usually classified into three sects, i.e. temples for meditation, for preaching and for practicing buddhist disciplines. the jade buddha temple is a temple for meditation, and is well-known both at home and abroad.

the temple was first built during the reign of emperor guangxu of qing dynasty, when a monk named hui gen went on a pilgrimage to burma and brought back five jade statues of sakyamuni. on his way back to mount putuo via shanghai, he left two jade statues here, one in sitting posture and the other, reclining. he had a temple specially built as a shrine for these two statues in 1882. later the temple was partly destroyed by fire and in 1928 a new temple was completed on the present site.

just opposite the temple gate, there stands a giant screen wall. various designs, such as dragon, phoenix, elephant, crane and peony are carved on it. in chinese legend, all these things are considered the symbols of fortune, wealth, longevity and auspiciousness. chinese people used to set up a wall in front of the house so as to keep the evils away.

91 评论


Hello! I travel, the reception department's request, visits the tour to presence famous city Qufu fellow welcome guests to express warmly welcome. I fortunately accompany the visit for everybody tourguide, is extremely happy, this is we enjoys the study together the good opportunity. After looked please leave behind the valued suggestion.First, briefly introduces Qufu to everybody the history, the cultural relic survey.Historical city Qufu was our country ancient times the great thinker, the educationalist, the statesman, the literature entire manages family affairs, sage of Kong Zi's the world hometown, Mencius's native place, Chinese nation's first ancestor shaft Yellow Emperor's birth place, the capital, discussed the Yin native country, the Lu country capital. Three emperors five emperors have four to live the practical training in here, some more than 5,000 years history. Underground has the rich buried treasure, on has the multitudinous cultural relic. Existing cultural relic 112, including the United Nations to protect the unit, world culture inheritance 3, national protection 4, provincial level 12, other for place city level protection.Heavy center seriously has "a three two temples mausoleum", "a three mountains two forests temple". The Confucian temple, Confucian Residence, Konglin, the popular name "three", have the sacrificial offering China Yuan saint Duke of Zhou's temple, has sacrificial offering Kong Zi first big disciple duplicate saint Yan Hui the temple, the popular name "two temples"; "A mausoleum" is Yellow Emperor is born - - the long-lived earthen mound few mausoleums; "Three mountains"; The Kong Zi place of birth Nepal mountain, Chinese grave group Jiulongshan, small Taishan - - nine (call nine mountains). Two forests are: The world educates the child best mother forest, the Kong Zi parents buries Liang Gonglin; "A temple" is Li Bai, Du Fu writes poetry, responds, bidding good-bye place, famous writer hole still no matter what national botanical garden "Shimen temple".We now look at the Confucian temple.Confucian temple, also called to the Confucian temple, is sacrificial offering Kong Zi and its Madame Qi Guanshi and 72 talented people's place. The Confucian temple with Beijing's Imperial Palace, the Hebei Chende city summer vacation mountain village and calls Chinese three big ancient architectural complexes. The expert delivered four speeches to the Confucian temple: The construction time most remote, greatest, the preservation most complete, the Eastern construction characteristic is most prominent. Is worthy of looking at two questions from the Confucian temple: One is Kong Zi to Chinese and even the Eastern culture tremendous contribution; Two is China has the skilled craftsman in the history.The Confucian temple beginning constructs in 478 B.C., the second year which Kong Zi died constructs the temple. Constructs temple three in the Kong Zi former dwelling, exhibits Kong Zi's clothes, the vehicle, the book and so on, "when year old offers sacrifices". All previous dynasties emperor all has the extension to the Confucian temple, counts overhaul 15, center repairs 31 times, the minor repair several hundred time achieves present the scale. The Confucian temple imitates system of the imperial palace construction, divides three groups layouts, nine courtyards, have altogether had house 466, gate pavilion 54, the thing relatively pass through in an axle wire, has nearly thousand, 327.5 Chinese acres, long amounts to two Chinese miles 150 meters. Now saw the Confucian temple is the bright Hongzhi year scale. After the liberation the country allocates funds to service the protection many times. Our country first batch announcement nation key cultural relic preservation organ, in December, 1994 included the world culture inheritance, becomes cultural relic unit which the United Nations protected, Confucian temple construction time remote, scale great, integrity of the preserved really was the world to be rare.Shinto. "Wan Rengong wall" front copal vigorous this Duan Luwei "Shinto". In front of the important temple all has the respect quick road which specially opens, is called "Shinto".Wan Rengong wall. This gate is Qufu Ming Chengzheng the Nanmen, also is the Confucian temple together gate, on hangs "Wan Rengong the wall" four large brush-written Chinese characters, is the clear Emperor Qian Long's imperial brush. It originates from the Kong Zi self-satisfied disciple child tribute. When Lu country congress feudal lord, some people proposed child tribute knowledge broad and profound, may place on a par with Kong Zi, the sub- tribute in the field, stands up immediately said, I may not dare with my Mr./Mrs. Kong Zi compared to, human's knowledge is just like a wall, my this wall only has one high, my teacher's wall has the number to be many. Meant that, my knowledge was equal to a shoulder chief is high, clear not any abstruse; Kong Zi's knowledge has my several fold to be many, passes through the detailed research, the comprehensive discussion, can understand he complete after, crossed the threshold, can see America of the ancestor temple, outside the gate you is blind. The posterity in order to describe Kong Zi's knowledge profound, wall of number from the master , "hundred ", "thousand " seals Kong Zi to the Ming Dynasty emperor is "the world civil official host, all previous dynasties king teacher", seals the Kong Zi knowledge to have "ten thousand ", extols the Kong Zi knowledge to have 10,000 eight feet, upward looked, blind goes against, also said this wall deep wall high rampart is extremely firm. These four characters originally write for the bright imperial envoy, Qian Long for expressed he Kong Zi the value, kissed the book "Wan Rengong the wall" to exchange his imperial brush.Jin Shengyu inspires the work place. This work place constructs at the Ming Dynasty, is expresses the Kong Zi knowledge exquisite and perfect, is similar to entire process which plays music, the integrity is from beginning to end complete. The ancient music is by strikes a gong the start, the clock gets up "beginning orderliness also", is strikes Qing to come to an end, "the jade inspires" the sound which falls for Qing, was called "end orderliness also", praises Kong Zi's knowledge is the collection first accomplishing of the virtuous sages, therefore called "Jin Shenger the jade inspires also", "the golden sound" the clock sound, the beginning, "the jade inspires" Qing's sound, the end. This also is the management wants "to finish what one starts" the idiom origin. "Jin Shengyu inspires" is the Ming Dynasty storytelling legalist school Hu Zuanzong the topic decides."Two cypress take on". Crosses the jade to inspire work place this stone arch bridge, the thing respectively has a copal, therefore the person "two cypress take on". This bridge said that, "泮 the water bridge" the basin water is interlinked with the temporary palace nearby, because the historical novel is "hopes the water". In the past read book of the Confucius and Mencius, tested the institute of higher education to call "to enter hopes", served as an official hopes rises high, made business to hope gets rich, crossed the day to hope prosperously.Discontinues the tablet. Outside the temple wall the thing respectively sets up a stele, in 1191 specially vertical discontinued the tablet, got down the tablet. The west tablet early destroys, east side on this tablet writes "the official person to discontinue and so on to this". Under in the past the civil and military officials, the common people common people henceforth passed by discontinue on foot but the line, shows to Kong Zi, the Confucian temple respect.Lattice star gate. The Ming Dynasty constructs, in 1754 repaired, by wooden changed the iron stone. "The lattice star gate" is the Qian Long imperial brush. Hands down the space galaxy "to have the twenty-eight lunar mansions", among, has to govern cultural the star to be called "the lattice star", the other name "Star ", "the day inspires the star", contacts with Kong Zi and the space tube culture star, Shuowen melts the aspect he is highest, if the past offered sacrifice to heaven, needed first to offer a sacrifice to "Star ", had reveres Kong Ruzun the day the view.Too with vitality work place. This work place was the Ming Dynasty in 1544 constructs, extremely approved Kong Zi's thought, advocated was similar to "the outer space universe to be able to nurture the myriad things. Gathering of the world, gathering of the four directions, gathering of the masculine and feminine elements ", the name" too and "the gas is the most basic thing, the universe too and, vitality of the world. "Too with the vitality" was the Shandong governor once the mill handwritten letter.To Confucian temple work place. The Ming Dynasty constructs "to the Confucian temple work place", is the white marble, on plays the part of the flame no. 3 gunpowder tea.German world, Daoist monk's cap ancient and modern. This Daoist temple thing respectively constructs a very unusual memorial arch to the lining, the wooden angle surrounds, thousand first ten thousand continues, gets down has eight , is called "day Long Shenshi", hands down its dignified inspiration, may drive out evilly, is just. East side the memorial arch submits a written statement: "The German world", said Kong Zi's thought advocated is similar to profoundly for humanity's advantage, the merit can compare with the world. The west memorial arch submits a written statement "the Daoist monk's cap ancient and modern", approves the Kong Zi thought, the means ancient and modern all is the unparalleled crown.When saint gate. Three compound, four circuit intendant all same, central . This naming originates from Mencius, to the ancient times four sages , under Iraqi Yin, the willow tree favored, Kong Zi, Mencius four sages' saint mark inductions is four speeches: clear saint also, Iraqi Yin saint no matter what also, under the willow tree favors sum of the saint also, when Kong Zi saint. "When saint" extremely approves the Kong Zi thought to advocate prolonged does not fade, is sage which suits the time. Emperor comes Qufu "to kowtow the big ritual" towards Kong Yaoxing, walks when the saint gate; All previous dynasties "spread out the saint male" when the birth opens "when the saint the gate", besides these two kind of situations, this not easily opens. All walks the quick G gate, the supine wealthy and prominent family.The quick G gate, takes considers it a pleasure to be among the first to read meaning. Kong Zi's knowledge "the Five Classics four books", who first studies who first to have the culture, who first studies who first to have the knowledge, struggles the study, to first reads as by the foresight joyfully.Supine wealthy and prominent family. Praises a Kong Zi's section of speeches naming according to Yan Hui. Yan Hui said that, road of the master, supine makes up high, drills it to make up firmly. Upwardly approves the Kong Zi knowledge blind to go against, calls "to make up high", studies the writings in classical style to be very difficult, calls "to make up firmly", is high is not unattainable, is definitely may learn after the endeavor. Yan Hui said "master however, friendly are attractive, is abundant I by the article, said me by the ritual." My teacher teaches with skill and patience, teaches me by the culture, executes me by the courtesy.Chinese . In the supine wealthy and prominent family in the alcove has two historical values very high Chinese , is "the pavilion is long", (the Han Dynasty place waiter), dying of the government office gate, all is in front of Lu Wangmu guards. is taken by all previous dynasties inscription on stone tablet and bronze scientist, to studies the Han Dynasty clothing and the writing has the important value.Liquid gold bridge, this bridge, with Imperial Palace's in front of bridge of the same name, calls the liquid gold bridge, also is called the blue water bridge, three arrangements, the green water ripples.Great road gate. Crosses the liquid gold bridge is the Ming Dynasty emperor ordered by the emperor personally "the great road gate", takes "Confucian analects" center "the person to be able greatly to say, non- road great person" meaning. Kong Zi is an ordinary writer, why becomes the sage? Approved Kong Zi to summarize first the virtuous sages' experience, especially has brought honor to the Yao and Shun soup, road of the civil and military Duke of Zhou. "The person can greatly say that, said the person can direct creates all, the non- road great person, certainly is not all direction people, this is praises person's subjective initiative." The great road hanger-on had two steles, the east side four tablets is "the Qufu all previous dynasties evolution will" has recorded the Qufu evolution vicissitude history, a Yuan generation of institute stood, the historical data value was very high, the west was "scholar out of government employment gentleman the inscription", had the very high calligraphy value.Major and medium gate. The major and medium gate is the Song Dynasty Confucian temple front door, was called "center and the gate", Italy for uses Kong Zi's thought processing question all to be possible to be easily solved. The the Ming Dynasty extension temple renames "the major and medium gate", approves Kong Zi's knowledge is accomplishing of the collection humanity knowledge, center, takes "the doctrine of the mean" meaning, "center correct path of the world, theorem of the commonplace world", center the agonic, is commonplace is not easy. Leaves, is not the correct path, has become the evil road, the crooked gate. Is said is not left is not right, the fair correct path, to front is a doctrine of the mean. Major and medium gate thing two have watchtower two is guards the Confucian temple to use.Same text gate, four big name brands, Confucian temple chart. Enters in the major and medium gate about to have four big tablets. The west bright Hongzhi tablet, says three cardinal guides and the five constant virtues ethics. Right flank the Hongzhi tablet has the the Ming Dynasty talented person Hunan Changsha Li Dongyang to draw up "the Confucian temple chart" the value to be very high.The Cheng Hua tablet, is the Ming Dynasty Cheng Hua Emperor Zhu Jianshen stands. Some two situations bring to all previous dynasties everybody celebrity's attention. One is the Cheng Hua tablet character writes, the standardization, the standardization well, exquisitely makes the person, the typeface writing technique to have "is world-famous" the evaluation; Two, appraises to Kong Zi high, all previous dynasties emperor all has the comment to Kong Zi, appraises high is Emperor Cheng Hua, he Kong Zi's thought, the means compares with eats meal, puts on the clothes, spends, one day also could not leave, had Kong Zi's truth and the means, could enable each person to develop his talents, thing it used, its strength, otherwise messed up. Said has road of the Kong Zi to have the world, road of the Kong Zi has not had the world, road of the counter- Kong Zi loses the world. If the inscribed text stated that, "Road of the my only Kong Zi, the world on first cannot not have , has road of the Kong Zi then the three cardinal guides and the five constant virtues but ethics is just bright, the myriad things take their proper place.. Road of the Kong Zi in the world like cloth , the livelihood of the people daily expense cannot be left vacant for the time being.. Inborn Kong Zi vertical is the saint, lives in the peaceful good justice and humanity, the teacher road emerges, from swims 3000, is continues."Same text gate. Takes "the person concentriily" meaning of the character same text. Is says works with concerted efforts, unites as one the only then competent good deed industry; The writing must unify, has the unification the writing to be able to record the historical dissemination experience, makes the character to be able at will to mess up. The same text gate is the Kuiwen Geqian important barrier.The Kui article Chinese style pavilion, originally is a library, is the collection books place. Constructed to Song Tianxi two years (in 1018), Jin Zhangzong repaired when changed "the Kui article Chinese style pavilion". This unique grand construction, completely is the lignin structure, calls the orphaned example in the Chinese building construction. After several earthquakes, the Kui article Chinese style pavilion has not shaken destroys. The clear Kanghsi 5 years earthquake "ten houses but actually have nine, saving has one, the Kui article Chinese style pavilion is gorgeously motionless". The the Ming Dynasty board of personnel Shangshu Li Dongyang has specially written "Kuiwen Gefu", approves Kuiwen Ge the construction research value. Is under the porch eastern end this tablet.In front of the pavilion this thing two courtyards stated that, "The room sleeps", is place which the sacrificial offering personnel fasts, to bathe. East the courtyard is spreads out the saint male room to sleep the institute, clear Kanghsi, Qian Long offers a sacrifice to when the hole all sleeps in the east room washes the hands and face. West the courtyard is from offers a sacrifice to personnel's room to sleep. Kong Zi 71 generation of Sun Kongzhao fumigates the temple in Song, Yuan, is bright, the clear five dynasty does obeisance the Confucian temple tablet more than 130 centralisms to mount in the courtyard wall, therefore west the room sleeps calls the tablet courtyard.13 tablets pavilions. This is the Confucian temple sixth enters the courtyard, in the pavilion stands has 55 tablets, is Tang, Song, the gold, Yuan, bright, clear and so on the dynasty stands, its content all is emperor, the imperial envoy does obeisance the hole, to Kong Zi , the appraisal, successively repairs the Confucian temple the record, has the Chinese, is full, Mongolia, eight thinks writing and so on Pakistan article. South north eights five, therefore calls 13 tablets pavilions, because all is authorizes the vertical tablet by emperor, therefore calls the imperial tablet pavilion. East gets up the front row third, 62 alcoves is the Jin Dynasty constructs, is construction which our country extant cannot be seen. Every is seeks with P the edict reason all calls "the imperial tablet". "P pen Qiang is auspicious, fable Dragon King has nine, it is 8th, it loves" the article ", is good at carrying a heavy load, the stele has the writing but heavily to suit its characteristic, the image should for the main item, the turtle body, the hawk leg, the snake tail.North east gets up this third alcove is Emperor Kanghsi the vertical tablet. The Beijing Xishan picks the stone passes through Grand Canal, south the economy transports here. The expert calculates this tablet 130,000 catty heavy, along the way sprinkled the hydrogel from Jining, slid on the ice, sometimes one day only walked lies place of the cow. The Qufu book has the stone not to use, must ship in from Beijing, shows emperor to Kong Zi the value. Southeast this courtyard, west Namhkok has a piece all is nobles and ministers repairs the temple, does obeisance the hole the record, the calligraphy value is very high.This courtyard thing respectively has to the lining, east is "the Yu essence gate", west is "the view Germany gate". Is named , the Xihua gate.The Confucian temple divides into three groups layouts by here, this five, center are together "accomplishes the gate", left side is "the gold 声门", right side is "the jade inspires the gate", again is "opens Confucianism" toward the west, again is "receives Confucianism" toward the east. Accomplishes the gate the construction structure is , manipulates strategically". Middle inserts is "cancels the heart", about four

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