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斐济群岛共和国位于南太平洋,瓦努阿图以东、汤加以西、图瓦卢以南。该国的群岛共包括了322个岛屿,面积1.83333万平方公里,当中106个岛屿为有人居住,另有522个小岛。当中维提岛和瓦努阿岛两个主要岛屿的人口占全国的87%。国家名称是源自“岛屿”的汤加语,并变为斐济语的“Viti”。斐济经济以农业、渔业、林业、制造业、矿产业、资讯与通讯产业、影视工业为主。斐济运用资讯与通讯技术,吸引世界上知名的企业将其后台作业交给位在斐济的公司运作。楠迪国际机场坐落于维提岛西部的斐济第三大城楠迪,成为最主要的游客入境港口。斐济群岛共和国国旗中文名称:斐济群岛共和国英文名称:The Republic of The FiJi Islands简称:斐济所属洲:大洋洲首都:苏瓦(Suva)主要城市:苏瓦,劳托卡,拉米,南迪国庆日:1970年10月10日国歌:上帝保佑斐济官方语言:英语,斐济语,印地语货币:斐济元政治体制:总统制共和制国家领袖:总统埃佩利·奈拉蒂考(Epeli Nailatikau)人口数量:86.8万主要民族:斐济族,印度族主要宗教:基督教,印度教,伊斯兰教国土面积:1.8333万平方公里GDP总计:53.8亿美元(2005年)人均GDP:6000美元(2005年)国际电话区号:679国家格言:敬畏上帝,荣耀女王面积陆地面积1.8333万平方公里,水域面积129万平方公里。 人口  人口124.85万,其中51%为斐济族,44%为印度族。官方语言为英语、斐济语和印地语,通用英语。53%的人信奉基督教,38%的人信奉印度教,8%的人信奉伊斯兰教。 首都  苏瓦(Suva),人口21.2万(2007年)。 元首   埃佩利·奈拉蒂考(Epeli Nailatikau), 2009年11月5日就任。

314 评论


斐济岛,又称斐济群岛。位于南太平洋中心、介于赤道与南回归线之间,是纽澳前往北美的必经之地。斐济岛是世界著名的度假胜地、旅游天堂。被誉为“全球十大蜜月旅游胜地之一”、“全球十大美女海滩之一”。斐济拥有300多个大小不一的岛屿,这些岛屿被环状的珊瑚礁包围,所以成了鱼儿的天堂。虽然岛屿众多,但是每个都很精致,最大的岛是美地来雾岛。在离帝国机场不远的码头,每天都有很多船只去各个小岛。人口86.8万,斐济是个多民族的国家,其中51%为斐济族,44%为印度族。居民信奉基督教、印度教和伊斯兰教。官方语言为英语、斐济语和印地语,通用英语。扩展资料:斐济是现代的,更是原始的。就像电视里播放的,斐济的海岸地区多已开发为现代化的休闲度假区,五星级的饭店、豪华俱乐部与酒吧林立。但是岛屿深处的斐济村落却依然保有上个世纪初期的原始风貌,岛民们依然过着近乎原始而淳朴的生活,青年们也学习着传统的技艺。在斐济,游客可以看到头戴鲜花、笑容灿烂的居民。斐济人主食以米为主,也乐于品尝面类食品。副食特别喜欢海龟肉、鱼等海产品,也爱吃猪肉、鸡等肉类;蔬菜喜欢芋头、木薯、山药、西红柿、葱头等;调料爱用椰油、胡椒、姜、葱等。制法对烤、炸、煎等烹调方法制作的菜肴偏爱。中餐喜爱中国的京菜、鲁菜、闽菜。 菜谱很欣赏大拼盘、北京烤鸭、三彩大虾、炸蛎黄、干焗鸡块、叉烧肉、生煎金华火腿、白妙响螺、荔枝肉、干烧鱼等风味菜肴。参考资料:百度百科-裴济岛

238 评论


Ethnic groupsThe population of Fiji is mostly made up of native Fijians, people of mixed Polynesian (partly Tongan) and Melanesian ancestry (54.3%), and Indo-Fijians (38.1%), descendants of Indian contract labourers brought to the islands by the British in the nineteenth century. The percentage of the population of Indian descent has declined significantly over the last two decades due to migration for various reasons. There is also a small but significant group of descendants of indentured labourers from Solomon Islands.About 1.2% are Rotuman — natives of Rotuma Island, whose culture has more in common with countries such as Tonga or Samoa than with the rest of Fiji. There are also small, but economically significant, groups of Europeans, Chinese and other minorities.Relationships between ethnic Fijians and Indo-Fijians at a political level have often been strained, and the tension between the two communities has dominated politics in the islands for the past generation. The level of tension varies between different regions of the country. There are also good indications of racial harmony with the recognition of cultural and religious holidays by all races in Fiji.[edit] CultureFiji's culture is a rich mosaic of indigenous, Indian, Chinese and European traditions. Culture is made up of many aspects, being social polity, traditions, language, food, costume, belief system, architecture, arts, craft, music, dance and sports.The indigenous culture is very much an active and living culture, and is a part of everyday life for the Majority of the population. However, it has evolved with the introduction of vibrant and old cultures like the Indian and Chinese cultures, as well as a large influence from European culture, and various cultures from the Pacific neighbor's of Fiji; the Tonga and Rotuma cultures are the most dominant of these. The Culture of Fiji is shown in its traditions and hierarchy, its language and has created a unique communal and national identity.英文资料来源于:中文资料你可以去百度百科里看看:没有中英对照的!

327 评论


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