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1、美食和风景,可以抵抗全世界所有的悲伤和迷惘。Food and scenery can resist all the sadness and confusion of the world.2、心根本依然从未放开,未愿抛开幸而有爱。Heart is still never let go, not willing to put aside, fortunately there is love.3、酒剩半杯你说你好累,故人未归住后别流泪。Half a glass of wine left, you say you are tired, so don't cry before you come back.4、兄弟,经得起不联系的考验。而恋人不可以。Brother, can stand the test of no contact. And lovers can't.5、稍微亲近,就口无遮拦的毛病得改。If you are a little closer, you have to change your habit of speaking freely.
339 评论


我有时会莫名奇妙的笑,也会莫明的一种痛,只因为想到了你。 Sometimes I laugh inexplicably, but also a kind of pain, just because I think of you. 时常以一个孩童眼光去打量这个世界,你会发现生活其实很美好。 When you look at the world from the perspective of a child, you will find that life is actually very beautiful. 就这样吧,从此山水不相逢。 Thats it. From then on, the mountains and rivers dont meet. 路在脚下,用心去走。只要你肯迈步。路就会在你脚下延伸。 The road is at your feet. Go with your heart. As long as youre willing to step. The road will stretch under your feet. 最怕的不是爱到了分手,而是还没有爱过呢?就已经分手了。 What I fear most is not to break up when I love you, but that I have never loved you? Ive already broken up. 不许哭,连你都是我的,更别说眼泪了。 Dont cry, even you are mine, let alone tears. 别人对你真,不是自己来的。是你自己争取来的。 Other people treat you seriously, not by themselves. You won it yourself. 我说没关系,然后你就肆无忌惮伤我到体无完肤。 I said it doesnt matter, and then you hurt me to the skin. 这一生真是坎坷,遇见你又弄丢你。 This life is really rough, meet you and lose you. 奉劝各位:除了灾难、病痛,时时刻刻要快乐。 I advise you to be happy all the time except disaster and illness.

167 评论


1、曾经的海枯石烂,抵不过你一句好聚好散。Once the sea is dry and the rocks are rotten, but you can't get together.2、有些人不爱了就是不爱了,再勉强那么也只是徒然。Some people do not love is not love, and then reluctantly only in vain.3、闭嘴不谈的那个人,一定伤你很深吧。The person who shut up must have hurt you deeply.4、你们谁也不准欺负她,全世界只有我才可以!No one of you is allowed to bully her. I'm the only one in the world!5、没有理由的喜欢上一个人,就是喜欢上一个人的最好理由。There is no reason to like a person, is the best reason to like a person.6、走过了漫长,曲折的开拓之路,泉水的心灵才显得格外纯洁。After a long and tortuous road of development, the soul of the spring appears particularly pure.7、我希望你一切都好,希望所有俗套的祝福语都在你身上灵验。I hope you are all right, I hope all the usual blessings are effective on you.8、我接受所有你说的话,情话,笑话,谎话,伤人的话。I accept all you say, love words, jokes, lies, hurtful words.

300 评论


1、proceed smoothly without a hitch——一帆风顺2、wish you progress in your studies——学业进步3、wish you have a beatiful life——愿你拥有一个美好的人生4、good luck——祝你好运5、god bless you——上帝保佑你6、wish you happy——祝你愉快7、Love without end hath no end.——情绵绵,爱无边。8、Love's tongue is in the eyes.——爱情的话语全在双眼之中。9、In love folly is always sweet.——恋爱中,干傻事总是让人感到十分美妙。10、There is no hiding from lover's eyes.——什么也瞒不过恋人的眼睛。11、The only present love demands is love.——爱所祈求的唯一礼物就是爱。

103 评论


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