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Nanxiang Xiaolongbao南翔小笼包,Shanghai-style soup dumpling,Nanxiang (南翔) is one of the districts in the Shanghai Jiading District. Luo buo si bing 萝卜丝饼, shredded radish pancake consisting of a wheat dough skin filled with shredded òuhuā (Chinese: 豆花) or dòufuhuā (Chinese: 豆腐花) is a Chinese dessert made with an extra soft form of tofu. It is also referred to as tofu Shanghai, douhua is often eaten with soy sauce, thus resulting in a savory flavor.

140 评论


小笼包:steamed buns

读音:英 [stiːmd bʌnz]  美 [stiːmd bʌn]

例:Famous Shanghai local snacks include steamed buns, sparerib rice cake, crab shell cake, etc. Allof them are delicious, you may have a try.




英 [stiːmd] ;美 [stiːmd]

adj. 蒸熟的,蒸的

v. 蒸发,散发;冒热气;用蒸汽驱动(steam的过去分词)

例:I ordered the steamed crab but you gave me the roast crab.



英 [bʌn]  美 [bʌn]

n. 小圆面包;屁股;圆髻

例:I have one bun for my breakfast.



蒸饺 Steamed dumplings

豆浆 Soybean milk

板条 Flat noodles

烧饼 Clay oven rolls

榨菜肉丝面 Pork , pickled mustard green noodles

油条 Fried bread stick

米粉 Rice noodles

水饺 (Boiled)dumplings

紫菜汤 Seaweed soup



Steamed Small Meat Dumpling in Basket

例:Actually, Steamed Small Meat Dumpling in Basket stuffed with pork has been becoming popular in Spain since Chineseimmigrants move to there.




英 [miːt]; 美 [miːt]

n. 肉;主要或重要部分

例:The meat will rot if it isn't kept cool.肉如果不冷藏就会腐败。


英 ['dʌmplɪŋ];美 ['dʌmplɪŋ]

n. 饺子;汤团,软绵绵象团子的东西

例:I feel like having some dumplings.我很想吃饺子。


英 ['bɑːskɪt]; 美 ['bæskɪt]

n. 篮;篓;筐;[篮]球篮;投篮得分

例:Several baskets of fruit were eaten at the party.宴会上,大家吃掉了好几篮水果。

169 评论


Liang Pi 凉皮Literally translated as “cool skin” this dish is great for the hot summery weather although it is available whole year round. Made with bean starch jelly noodles and toss with coriander, peanuts, garlic and doused in a generous serving of vinegar and chilli oil. This dish is a great appetizer and goes well with the other small Rice balls 糍饭Another breakfast / brunch item, this huge glutinous rice ball is very filling. The hawker usually have a huge wooden barrel keeping its glutinous rice soft, warm and ready for an places have a mix of brown & white glutinous rice. You can have it “sweet” with sugar or savoury with chopped salted mustard veg and a you-tiao wrapped inside the rice ball. Each rich ball is prepared fresh, nicely compressed after adding your preferred ingredients. Additional pork floss/egg/ salted egg can be added for a small Pancake 煎饼Usually available as a breakfast takeaway, this savoury crepe is pan-fried fresh upon every order on a flat griddle. A millet flour mixture spread thin with an egg cracked on top. As the flour turns a light golden brown, it is spread with a sweet hoisin-like bean paste and sprinkled with coriander, spring onions, chilli flakes and pickled mustard pieces more commonly known to us as salted vegetables.

199 评论


Shanghai, being a relatively new city in China, does not really have a cuisine of its own, but successfully refines all the work of the surrounding provinces such as Zhejiang and Jiangsu. Through years of culinary practice and the assimilation of the art in other styles of cuisine, Shanghai chefs have also created a style of cuisine peculiar to the region. Shanghai dishes are usually characterized by the use of heavy and highly flavored sauce.

190 评论


“生煎馒头”,是土生土长的上海点心,已有上百年的历史。半发酵的面粉包上鲜肉和肉皮冻,一排排地放在平底锅里油煎,在煎制过程中还要淋几次凉水,最后撒上葱花和芝麻就大功告成了。Fried steamed buns, are native to Shanghai and have a history of hundreds of years. The semi - fermented flour is covered with fresh meat and skin, and the rows are Fried of oil in a pan . During the frying process, a few more cold water will be poured, and finally sprinkle the scallions and sesame seeds.

224 评论



Fried steamed buns, Shanghai snacks, have a history of hundreds of oil and crisp.


Rice cakes, not sticky teeth, rice and meat, dip in soy sauce.


Sweet sour ribs, bright, onion float on , taste sweet and sour, really delicious.

102 评论


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    rice cake

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    年糕用英语翻译过来可以这么说:Rice cake,见下图百度翻译

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