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财高八斗十顶百,源泉不断三江财,广纳人心堂中聚,进者客也君再来,请分别看首字及尾字,祝您开业大吉,恭喜发财!下面是开业英语祝福语,欢迎参考阅读! 1、盼望着,盼望着,开业的鞭炮响了,亲朋的笑声更亮了,心豁亮了,梦靠近了,无论走到何时何地,我都支持你,加油! Looking forward to, looking forward to, the opening of the firecrackers, family and friends laughter more bright, open-minded, the dream is near, no matter when and where, I will support you, refueling! 2、开业之际,短信早一秒,随后礼就到,人到门前贺,祝生意兴隆红红火火、财源广进日进斗金。 At the opening of the business, a second earlier than the text message, then the gift arrived, people came to the door to congratulate, wish business flourishing, wealth into the day. 3、佩服你的勇气,欣赏你的眼光,支持你的选择,坚信你的能力,期待你的辉煌!祝朋友开业大吉,创业成功,事业兴隆! Admire your courage, appreciate your vision, support your choice, believe in your ability, look forward to your brilliance! I wish my friends a happy start and a successful career. 4、送你青花瓷,愿你发达始于此,送你唐三彩,祝你接纳八方财,送你小短信,希望你的'用心赢得崭新,兄弟,生意兴隆。 Send you blue and white porcelain, I hope you start from here, send you Tang Sancai, I wish you to accept money, send you a short message, I hope your intention to win a new, brother, prosperous business. 5、礼到了,人齐了,新店开业大吉了。花开了,炮响了,财源如潮猛涨了。祝福福运、财运,好运连连。 The ceremony has arrived, and everyone is ready. Flowers bloom, guns sounded, and money surged. Good luck, fortune and good luck. 6、送你一个花篮,花朵代表生活多姿多彩,花杆代表金钱财源滚滚,绿叶代表事业一帆风顺。祝你:开业大吉,生意兴隆! Send you a basket of flowers, flowers on behalf of the colorful life, flower pole on behalf of money rolling, green leaves on behalf of smooth sailing career. I wish you: business is booming, business is booming! 7、恭喜你开业兴隆,财兴隆。财路富强,达八方。事业顺畅,福高照。日进斗金,门庭闹。 Congratulations on your opening up and prosperity. Wealth is strong enough to reach eight parties. Business is smooth and blessed. Every day makes a fortune. 8、我昔日给别人打工,靠着自己的打拼,我今天终于有了自己的买卖。我祝我自己买卖兴隆财源旺盛,数钱数到手发软。 I used to work for others, relying on my own hard work, I finally got my own business today. I wish myself a thriving business and a lot of money. 9、这是一个大喜的日子。首先,我代表我个人,对老兄你的店开业,表示衷心的祝贺,愿你把生意做的很大很大。 This is a big day. First of all, on behalf of me personally, I would like to congratulate my brother on the opening of your shop and wish you a great deal of business. 10、喜闻好友开店开业开张大吉,特送你几个字,“诚信”“和气”,字字千金,祝福你生意越做越大,财富甲天下! I like to hear that a good friend opens a shop and opens a big auspicious, especially to send you a few words, "honesty", "harmony". The words are thousands of gold. I wish you more and more business, wealth a world! 11、展鸿鹄之志,集四方友人,满琳琅之货,聚你家餐馆,吃满汗全席,在你餐馆开业之际,祝你财源若海,顾客盈门! Show your ambition, gather friends from all over the world, get together in your restaurant, eat sweaty meals. When your restaurant opens, wish you a sea of money and customers! 12、幽香拂面,紫气兆祥,花篮簇拥,开业典礼,祝事业有大成,生意更长久,生意如春浓,财源似水来。 A delicate fragrance, purple auspicious, flower basket crowded, opening ceremony, I wish the cause of success, business longer, business like spring, wealth like water. 13、爆竹声声送祝福,花篮个个显喜庆,一条短信送吉祥,热烈祝贺开业行大运,好运财运滚滚来! The sound of firecrackers to send blessings, flower baskets show festive, a text message to send auspicious, warm congratulations on the opening of the business, good fortune rolling in! 14、在开业的今天,祝贺的话语都斟满酒杯,溢出来了,醉了前程什锦。开好店,诚待天下客;勤动脑,和赚四海财! In today's opening ceremony, congratulatory words are filled with wine cups, overflowing and drunk. Open a good shop, be honest with the world customers; diligent brain, and earn four seas wealth! 15、祝贺你:开业兴隆,财兴旺。财源茂盛,达八方。事业顺利,福高照。日进斗金,门庭闹。嘿嘿! Congratulations: your business is booming and your money is thriving. The financial resources are flourishing, reaching eight parties. The cause is smooth and blessed. Every day makes a fortune. Hey! 16、招财猫,挥挥手,四方宾朋往这走。货真价实惠万家,生意兴隆四季发。祝你生意好好好,好运财运把你找。 Fortune Cat, waved, the four party guests and friends to go here. The real value of goods is good, and business is thriving in the four seasons. Good luck with your business, luck and fortune. 17、开门生意,招揽四方之财,买卖兴隆,结交八方之喜,财源滚滚不断,喜事连连不停,朋友送上一句,祝你开门大吉。 Open business, attract money from all sides, business is prosperous, make friends with all sides of the joy, money rolling, happy events continue, a friend sent a sentence, I wish you open the door auspiciously. 18、给老板道声好,祝你乘祥云,日进斗金;给老板贺声喜,祝你喜事不离!祝开业大吉大利,财源滚滚进! Give your boss a good voice. I hope you enjoy the auspicious clouds. I wish you all the best in your business. 19、炮竹声中开庆典,声声祝福道不完,花篮贺礼表心意,财源更比流水长。恭祝开业大吉,一帆风顺! In the sound of firecrackers, a celebration is held. The blessing of the road is endless, and the flower basket presents its intention. I wish you every success in your business. 20、今天开业日子好,各路神仙全来到,祝贺之声浪浪高,恭喜发财又兴隆。祝昌期开景运,泰象启阳春。 Today, the opening days are good. All the fairies are here. Congratulations are on the wave. Congratulations on making money and thriving. Zhu Chang will open the scene, and the Thai elephant will start Yangchun. 21、给老板道声好,祝你乘祥云,日进斗金;给老板贺声喜,祝你招财神,喜事不离!祝开业大吉大利,财源滚滚进! Say hello to the boss, wish you take the auspicious clouds, day into gold; congratulate the boss, I wish you to recruit the God of wealth, joy is inseparable! I wish you all the best in your business. 22、鞭炮声声庆开张,彩旗飘飘喜迎财,开业之际,祝你迎得八方客,生得四季财,财源滚滚,大吉大利! The sound of firecrackers is celebrating the opening, flags are flying in joy of welcoming wealth, the opening of the time, I wish you to welcome guests from all directions, born four seasons of wealth, wealth rolling, great luck! 23、欣闻开业,衷心祝贺!祝愿朋友念好生意经,奔上致富路,引来东西南北来往客,赚下春夏秋冬四季财。 Glad to hear the opening ceremony. Hearty congratulations! I wish my friends a good business, go on the road to prosperity, attract visitors from East and west, and make money in spring, summer, autumn and winter. 24、新店开业,今天是个好日头。挑战自我,事业有了好盼头。起航开拔,幸福追求向前头。事业成功,祝你发展无尽头。 New store opened today is a good day. Challenge yourself, career has a good prospect. Set sail and pursue happiness. Your success will bring you endless development. 25、新店开张送祝福,发副对联表心意,上联:生意兴隆,财似海;下联:宾客如流,钱如潮。横批:开业大吉。 The new shop opens to send good wishes and send couplets to express one's heart. The first couplet: business is prosperous, wealth is like the sea; the second couplet: guests are like the current, money is like the tide. Heng pun: business is very good. 26、送你一个吉利生果篮,低层装一往无前;中心放财路滔滔;周围堆满富有吉利;上面铺着成功!祝开业大吉! Send you a lucky fruit basket, low-level package never forward; the center of the road to money billowing; surrounded by a pile of lucky; covered with success! I wish you a happy start! 27、鞭炮声声响,开张真吉祥:一响生意红红火火,二响顾客济满厅堂,三响财源滚滚而来,四响好运四通八达。 The sound of firecrackers, opening really auspicious: a business boom, two customers filled the hall, three money rolling in, four good luck. 28、锣鼓敲出喜庆,鞭炮释放吉祥,花篮装满祝愿,贵店开张,老朋友前来道喜,祝你财源滚滚而来,生意红红火火! Gongs and drums strike out the festival, firecrackers release auspicious, flower basket full of wishes, your shop opened, old friends come to say good luck, wish you a rolling stream of money, business is booming! 29、开业大吉,恭喜发财,财源广进,福气多多,吉祥如意,贵人相伴,好运常在,好事连连,大展宏图,前程似锦! Good luck in business, congratulations on making a fortune, wealth, good fortune, good luck, noble companions, good luck often in succession, magnificent, bright future! 30、元旦到,喜事来,开张大吉,财气滚滚涌来;祝福到,情义到,龙腾虎跃,财源源源不断。兄弟献上一句,开张大吉! New Year's Day arrives, joy comes, good fortune opens, wealth rolls in; blessings come, love and righteousness come, the tiger leaps and bounds, the source of wealth continues. The brothers offered, opening up!
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回答 1.本店诚信经营,不为大财只谋小利,不做无良卖家,只想广交天下好友。2.不来一次是你的错,只来一次是我们的错。3.温暖你的是服务,感动你的是美食。当日到店里消费者可获得优惠券一张。4.农家乐开张,好景,好美食,快来尝尝吧。5.优惠活动仅限开业酬宾期间,望广大顾客多多光临。 希望有帮到您哦⊙∀⊙! 祝您生意兴隆,财源广进 更多1条 

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