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首页 > 英语培训 > 培训学校装修英语

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decorate v. 装饰,装修 tool n. 工具 tackle n. 工具,复滑车 gear n. 齿轮,传动装置,工具,用具 oolbar 工具条 toolhouse n. 工具房 toolbox n. 工具箱 workbag n. 工具袋 truing tool 整修工具; 校准工具 fullering tool 锤击工具; 凿密工具; 压槽锤 joint(ing) tool 接缝器; 接榫工具; 整齿工具 small tool 小工具; 钳工工具; 手工具 clencher 工具夹子; 敲弯钉头的工具; 敲弯工具 hammer head 弦槌; 榔头, 锤头 wood hammer 木榔头 curved claw hammer 羊角榔头 hard-headed hammer 硬头榔头 sledge hammer 大锤; 大榔头 mechanical hammer 技工榔头 trip-hammer n. 杵锤 marcus n. 大铁锤 peen n. 锤头scaling hammer 除锈锤; 敲水垢锤; 锅锈锤 chipping hammer 敲水垢锤; 敲渣锤; 錾平锤 bench hammer 台用锤; 钳工小锤 claw hammer 拔钉锤; 羊角锤 peening hammer 扁头锤; 尖锤flaker n. 刨片机match plane 开槽刨plane iron 刨刀; 刨刃; 刨铁trying plane 大刨; 平刨; 细刨toothing plane 锯齿刨; 齿状槽刨; 齿状刨firmer chisel 扁錾,平錾 凿,铲,冲击钻头churn drill 旋冲钻; 顿钻reciprocating drill 冲击钻 chopping bit 冲击钻钻头parallel shank percussion drill 直柄冲击钻taper shank percussion drill 锥柄冲击钻
336 评论



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装修又称装潢或装饰,在新房子入住之前必备的一道程序,那么你知道装修用英语怎么说吗?下面跟我一起学习装修的英语知识吧。   装修的英语说法   decoration   renovation   装修的相关 短语   室内装修 interior decoration ; Indoor-Decoration ; interior design   装修手册 Fitment ; School ; manual   新装修 newly renovated ; newly decorated apartments ; newly-decorated   装修指南 Guide ; Appointment ; Decoration Guide   装修施工 decorate construction ; Renovation ; decoration construction ; Decoration construction   装修风格 Decorative Style ; decoration style ; decorative style   装修的英语例句   1. The interior of the shop still retains a nineteenth-century atmosphere.   这家商店的内部装修仍然保留着19世纪的风格。   2. He gave Stephanie a free hand in the decoration.   他放手让斯蒂芬妮全权负责装修一事。   3. Moira looked around and sniffed. "This place badly needs a decorator."   莫伊拉环顾四周,抽了抽鼻子。“这个地方太需要有人来装修一下了。”   4. The restaurant is informal, stylish and extremely good value.   这家餐厅氛围轻松,装修雅致,而且价格非常公道。   5. The whole block is being fixed up.   整个街区都在进行装修。   6. The hotel has recently been redesigned and redecorated.   这家酒店最近重新设计和装修过。   7. They are inexperienced when it comes to decorating.   说到装修,他们就没有什么 经验 了。   8. The living-room was prettily decorated.   客厅装修得很漂亮。   9. Low-odour paints help make decorating so much easier.   气味小的油漆会使装修轻松很多。   10. The dining-room is luxuriously furnished and carpeted.   饭厅装修豪华,地上铺有地毯。   11. The hotel is decorated imaginatively and attractively.   宾馆装修别具一格,赏心悦目。   12. She was given carte blanche with the redecoration.   重新装修的事宜完全委托给她了。   13. They've spent a lot of money on home improvements.   他们花了很多钱装修家居。   14. The house has been fully redecorated.   这房子已经彻底重新装修过了。   15. Work went on as usual inside, uninterrupted by outside repairs.   外部装修,内部照常营业.   装修房子英语对话阅读   Cara: Welcome, I have been waiting for you for a long time.   卡拉:欢迎,我已经等你很久啦。   Claire: Sorry. You knew about the traffic in this city.   克莱尔:对不起,你也知道这个城市的交通状况的。   Cara: It's OK. I'm not just waiting. I have something interesting to do.   卡拉:没关系的。我也不只是在等你,我在做一件有趣的事。   Claire: Wow. Where did you get these lovely animals? They are so cute! I cannot stop wanting to buy some right now.   克莱尔:哇。你从哪儿买来的这些可爱的动物?它们好可爱啊!我都想立刻去买一些了。   Cara: Aha! I made them by myself. After decorating my house, there was some extra cloth, so I decided to do some cloth handicrafts.   卡拉:啊哈!我自己做的。装修完房子之后,还有一些多余的布料,所以我决定做点儿手工艺品。   Claire: That's really a brilliant idea. Do you have any teacher?   克莱尔:真是个好主意。你找老师了吗?   Cara: Not really. I found some teaching videos on the Internet. Come on. Let me show you.   卡拉:没有。我从网上找了一些教学视频。来,我给你看看。 猜你喜欢: 1. 招商用英语怎么说 2. 装修管理服务协议 3. 墙纸英语怎么说 4. 店面装修方案怎么写 5. 店面装修费会计科目怎么写

265 评论


我的学校装修了?My school is decorated?

306 评论


我的学校装修了?Was my school decorated?

329 评论


If my school has been decorated?

80 评论


  • 英语培训学校装修造价

    你把工程量发给我 我帮你做个计价文件 看看套定额出来造价是多少吧

    别做慈善家 4人参与回答 2024-04-23
  • 英语培训学校装修建议


    永远的怀念! 6人参与回答 2024-04-23
  • 英语培训学校装修标语

    1、传承国学精华,陶冶精神情操。 2、孝行是本性;忠义无俗情。 3、忠孝立大志;廉洁树新风。 4、孝从内心起;忠自外寇来。 5、传承弘扬文明,鼎

    haohao开心 4人参与回答 2024-04-24
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    Greta:)杨婷 7人参与回答 2024-04-23
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    bamanai119 6人参与回答 2024-04-23