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Confucius said: "Hiromichi people, non-Daohong people." Zeng said: "The people can not Hong-yi, a long way to go." However, in this so-called moral behind, one after another in the heroic deeds, there is always a Millennium same spirit of the existence of content, which is - the national spirit. Is a national spirit in the nation to adapt to the environment, change the world and form their own unique language, customs and cultural traditions of the development of long-term, full of vitality displayed by the thinking of the good, strong character and noble aspirations. The national spirit of a nation's survival and development of the spirit of support. In the five years of development, the formation of the Chinese nation with patriotism as the core of unity and solidarity, peace-loving, industrious and brave and self-reliance of the great national spirit, the first of Mencius, "Yang-righteousness" and "sex can not be rich, the poor can not move , The mighty can bend, "Fan Zhongyan" the world's first and worry about the latter enjoy ", after the spirit of Jinggang Mountains, the spirit of the long march, the spirit of Yan'an, the flood-fighting spirit, and so on for all of the motherland, the people with courage, hard work , The spirit of selfless dedication is always worth learning. And in achieving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on the march, inherit and carry forward the national spirit of good, no doubt more practical significance. Report of the 16th CPC National Congress to carry forward and cultivate the national spirit and cultural construction as an important task to be stressed is the national spirit of the connotation of development, as well as for the deepening of cultural theory. Cultivate the national spirit should be the size of the environment from the start, the size of the age for universal education. Great environment, the state should promote and encourage this spirit, so that people with this spirit, and make it into a love of the motherland, the driving force for the construction of the motherland. And the small side, in all types of education should be education permeability in carrying forward the national spirit, to develop education so as to enhance the cultural education of the whole nation. At present, nurture and promote the national spirit, first of all to carry forward and cultivate the mind and seeking truth from facts, advance with the times, blaze new trails, despite difficulties, hard work, self-improvement, clean and honest and never be complacent, willing to sacrifice, such as the national spirit, Does not rest with the times and the continuous development; not limited to stereotypes and innovation; pride and dare to advance, in order to build a well-off society and the rejuvenation of China's national spirit. Today, the great change and great new practice birth to a new national spirit is the best time, we have to seize the opportunity, repeatedly refined, constantly sum up the spirit of the nation's treasure house of credit to the luster, it is not only the development of the national spirit of the battle, Forward the national spirit is a shining point. Looking up the torch of the Chinese century, we are shining the Chinese nation is our nation's unique perseverance, spirit of the great bull by the horns.Moreover, it is this indomitable national spirit so that the ancient Chinese artists from the re-emergence, and stand once again the nations of the world. As the motherland and future generations of us need to do the same ancestors as to the fate of individuals with close contact with the destiny of the motherland, really do: to carry forward the national spirit, determined to serve the motherland. This is not only the Chinese people to realize each of their fundamental approach to human values, but also to our motherland. Let us work together for the traditional Chinese culture and longevity of this tree watering, fertilizing it! 孔子曰:“人能弘道,非道宏人。”曾子说:“士不可以弘毅,任重而道远。”然而,在这所谓的道义背后,在一桩桩英雄事迹之中,始终有一个千年不变的精神内容存在,这便是—民族精神。 民族精神是一个在民族适应环境,改造世界,形成自己特有语言,习俗和人文传统的长期发展历程中,表现出来富有生命力的优秀思想,高尚品格和坚定志向。民族精神是一个民族赖以生存和发展的精神支撑。 在五千多年的发展中,中华民族形成了以爱国主义为核心的团结统一、爱好和平、勤劳勇敢、自强不息的伟大民族精神,先有孟子的“养浩然之气”,“富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不能屈”,范仲淹的“先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐”,后有井冈山精神、长征精神、延安精神、抗洪精神,等等一切为祖国,为人民勇往直前,艰苦奋斗,无私奉献的精神永远值得我们去学习。而在实现中华民族伟大复兴的征途上,继承和发扬优秀的民族精神,无疑更具有现实意义。 十六大报告把弘扬和培育民族精神作为文化建设的一个重要任务加以强调是对民族精神内涵的发展,也是对文化建设理论的深化。培育民族精神应该从大小环境做起,大小年龄进行普及教育。大的环境,国家应该倡导,鼓励这种精神,使国民具备这种精神,并使其变为热爱祖国,建设祖国的动力。而从小的方面来说,应该在各类教育中渗透教育弘扬民族精神,大力发展教育从而提高全民族的文化教养。 当前,培育和弘扬民族精神,首先要培育与弘扬解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进、开拓创新、知难而进、艰苦奋斗、自强不息、清正廉洁、永不自满,乐于奉献等的民族精神,不落于时代而不断发展;不囿于陈规而勇于创新;不敢于骄傲而奋发向上,为全面建设小康社会,为振兴中华的民族精神。今天的伟大变革和新的伟大实践,正是孕育新民族精神的最佳时期,我们要抓住机遇,反复提炼,不断总结,为民族精神的宝库增光添彩,这既是民族精神发展的攻坚战,又是民族精神前进的光辉点。 仰望中华世纪的圣火我们感到中华民族正闪耀着我们民族特有的坚忍不拔,不畏艰难的伟大精神。而且,正是这种不屈的民族精神,使古老的中国从落魄中重新崛起,并再次屹立于世界民族之林。作为祖国后代的我们,所要做的是同先辈们一样把个人的命运同祖国的命运紧密联系起来,真正地做到:弘扬民族精神,立志报效祖国。这不但是每个中华儿女实现自己人生价值根本途径,更是祖国对我们的要求。 让我们一起为中华传统文化这颗长寿树浇水、施肥吧!

193 评论



Red Star over China翻译为《红星照耀中国》,是埃德加·斯诺于土地革命战争时期在延安根据地根据自己的所见所闻所描绘的一本纪实文学,可以以此来展开叙述,主要的几个点包括新青年的精神面貌,延安精神的传承,以及青年人乐观积极团结的态度。




2021年,演讲破题课程将邀请演讲教学专家解析定题演讲赛题Red Star Over China,点拨破题思路;即兴题解析课程将精准把握即兴演讲重难点,突破备赛瓶颈;三赛通关课程将全程陪伴系统讲解,全面强化能力

152 评论


昨天,骄阳似火,爸爸、妈妈带我乘着火车,经过23小时的颠簸,终于在今天下午来到了革命圣地——延安。 Yesterday, scorching sun, father, mother and I took a train, after 23 hours of bumps along the way, finally in the afternoon came to the sacred place of the revolution -- Yanan. 我们先远眺延安的象征——宝塔山,然后,来到了杨家岭。杨家岭是毛主席等领导人曾经生活、工作的地方。我们首先来到了中央大礼堂。它是1942年落成的,长35米,宽30米,可容纳千余人,这里曾经隆重召开了党的第七次代表大会。大礼堂的中央有朱德和毛主席的头像,两边各有三面党旗,前面是一张陈旧的演讲台。我走到讲台,感觉作为革命的接班人很自豪。接着,我们穿过中共中央办公厅,来到了毛主席、朱德、周恩来等领导人的旧居参观。这些故居相邻,是窑洞,虽然不豪华甚至很破旧,但你可别小看它。据导游介绍,洞里冬暖夏凉,因为洞周围的泥土比较厚实,能隔热、挡风沙、挡寒气。我真想在这里住一晚,可这是不可能的。于是,我依依不舍地离开窑洞,回到了酒店。 We'll overlook Yanan symbol -- Pagoda Hill, then, come here. Here is the Chairman Mao and other leaders have life, place of work. We first came to the central auditorium. It was completed in 1942, 35 meters long, 30 meters wide, can accommodate more than 1000 people, once held the Seventh National Congress of the party. Zhu De and Chairman Mao's portrait auditorium of the central, on each side of three party flag, in front of an old stage. I walked to the podium, feel very proud as a revolutionary successors. Then, we went through the general office of the CPC Central Committee, to Chairman Mao, Zhu De, Zhou Enlai and leader's visit. These adjacent home, is a cave, although not luxurious even very old, but you can not look down upon it. According to the tour guide, the hole warm in winter and cool in summer, because the surrounding soil is quite thick, insulation, wind and sand, blocking the cold. I really want to live here for a night, but this is not possible. So, I left the cave to be reluctant to part, back to the hotel. 延安真是革命圣地,这次红色之旅让我见识到了党的丰功伟绩。我要把革命前辈们坚持不懈、不畏艰难的精神用在学习上,做好党的接班人。 Yanan is a sacred place of the revolution, the red tour to let me see the party's valiant record. I want to bring revolutionary predecessors unremittingly, not afraid of difficulties in the spirit of learning, do the successors of the party.

86 评论


  • 精神英文


    蓝冰儿雪莲 7人参与回答 2024-04-27
  • 精神英语

    看你想用在哪里吧,单纯说单词的话,spirit; mind; consciousness:mental;essence具体用法:1.the spirit of.

    巧克力麦乳精 5人参与回答 2024-04-27
  • 精神英文名

    n.精神,骄气 米基(人名); 也指动画角色“米老鼠” 例句:Micky is used to handling dodgy deals but this ti

    紫草莓蛋塔 5人参与回答 2024-04-27
  • 神经精神英文


    古董的杂货铺 9人参与回答 2024-04-26
  • 精神学英文


    上善若水maggie 5人参与回答 2024-04-27