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鸭血粉丝汤用英语表达翻译如下:Duck blood and bean-starchy vermicelli soup鸭血粉丝汤

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鸭血粉丝汤: 英文名 Duck blood and bean-starchy vermicelli soup 主要食材 :鸭血,粉丝,鸭肝,鸭肠,豆腐果,鸭胗,鸭汤 分 类:京苏菜(金陵菜),南京小吃 口 味 清淡

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Duck blood and bean-starchy vermicelli soup

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duck blood fans making is actually very simple, Sheng will be fans in a small bamboo basket placed in boiled duck blood soup boiled, will be fans, and duck blood soup into the bowl, then placed in Duck, duck liver and other offal, salt, sprinkle with chopped green onion, coriander , a bowl of fragrant duck blood fans just fine.Hunan snack - Hongjiang DCBraw duck blood: tender ducklings 1, sticky rice, red peppers, salad oil, salt, MSG, white wine, sweet sauce, marked oil, sesame oil, Aberdeen ginger, pepper festival, chopped green onion.system of law: ① the glutinous rice, wash, warm water soak 1 to 2 hours, red pepper cut into stand-by. ② ducks slaughtered to: Drain the water, ducks and discredited by a few in the rice, the net block of stand-duck Zhancheng. ③ Mix duck blood of sticky rice, cage steam cooked, pressed into under Ruwu into the hot oil with the deep-fried yellow Lek out, let cool, cut into thick slices. ④ pot put the oil, the next block of duck stir-fry the meat from the bones will be when the cooking liquor, add salt, sweet sauce, larval ginger, red pepper pieces, pepper festival, as well as water, into the duck blood DCB simmered to tasty, splashed with red paint, sesame oil Sheng into the bowl, sprinkle chopped green onion Serve.tofu casserole duck blood[Material]: 60 grams of bean curd, cooked duck blood 50 grams of cooked lean pork, cooked carrots 20 grams each,water fungus 10 grams fat, 250 grams of soup, sesame oil, soy sauce, salt, cooking wine appropriate,chopped green onion 2 grams, water, 5 grams of starch.[practice]:1, would be tofu, duck blood cut section, lean pork, carrot, fungus cut silk;2, added to soup in the casserole and put it into all of the material, boil skim floating soup at the end, addseasoning, changing slow fire to simmer and finally join the sesame oil, chopped green onion.[Features] duck blood and tofu are rich in protein, calcium, iron. Light, supple and smooth texture. Suitable for 2-5 year-old baby for dinner entrees.spinach raw duck blood soup: duck blood, tofu, spinach, medlarpractices:1, spinach, washed, cut into sections, duck blood, tofu slices, stand-by. 2, by putting up a casserole amount of stock, under the duck blood, tofu, Chinese wolfberry stew will be cooked, the add spinach, cook for a while, after seasoning, Serve.Note: The spinach in boiling water first, the best Zhuo 1 minute to remove one of oxalic acid, and then placed in the soup and protein food Tongzhu.Effect:Spinach high nutritional value, can prevent constipation, water Cheuk added sesame oil to deploy there a better role. But for some stomach weak, frail people who, single-eat spinach, and not get good results. Duck blood is the most iron-rich foods, protein content was high, but also has the ability to clean the blood, and spinach mix can enhance their nutritional and health effects. Tofu is rich in calcium and protein, but also has a clear role in the fire. Three with both the provision of adequate nutrition, can help the body sewage, low in calories and taste good, suitable for summer care.Answer:Material: Duck (to internal organs) and a half, with a box of tofu, duck blood, white radish 1 (large), half a cattybean sprouts (mung beans, soybeans may be), noodle half a catty, Several onion ginger.steps: 1. Wash duck inside put in boiling water, “tight” look, go Xue Mo, cut small piece of boiled duck blood to the bloodfoam. Wash bean sprouts and onion ginger carrot wash stand.2. casserole turn on the water, add onion ginger cook.3. duck into cubes, place casserole inside to open stew. Then you can skim duck fat.this step entirely carrot oil and water do not absorb4. 8 ripe adding chopped duck blood and radish Tongzhu. Spray that is open to turn off a small fireforce, put bean sprouts.4. noodle soaked in water 1 to 2 minutes.5. Add salt noodle at the same time, if you like MSG or chicken can be added.6. turn off the heat, taste deliciousSprouts: Sweet and a cool nature, containing plant protein, vitamins more often fried, cold, Jiantang consumption, help to eliminate greasy, diuretics, lipid-lowering.duck: calm instead of hot, fat, high-but not too sweet. It is rich in protein, fat, iron, potassium, sugar and other nutrients, there is Qingreliangxue, illnesses and health of the effect.white radish: nutrition rich in medicinal widely. Medical books said, radish with “under the gas, Dingchuan, expectorant, digestion, in addition to inflation, facilitate, just gas pain” and other effects.Chinese:鸭血粉丝如何煲类别: 餐饮食品问题:鸭血汤如何做回答:粉丝鸭血汤如何做?鸭血粉丝制作其实很简单,将粉丝盛在小竹篓中,放入煮沸的鸭血汤中烫熟后,将粉丝和鸭血汤倒入碗中,再放入鸭肠、鸭肝等内脏,加盐,洒上葱花,香菜,一碗香喷喷的鸭血粉丝就好了。湖南小吃-洪江鸭血粑原料:嫩仔鸭一只,糯米,红椒,色拉油,盐,味精,白酒,甜酱,红油,香油,仔姜片,干椒节,葱花。制法:①将糯米洗净,温水浸泡1~2小时,红椒切块待用。 ②鸭宰杀:将鸭血淋在沥干水的糯米上,净鸭斩成块待用。 ③拌匀鸭血的糯米,上笼蒸熟,压成条下入五成热油锅中炸黄沥出,放凉后,切厚片。 ④锅中放油,下鸭块煸炒至肉将离骨时,烹白酒,加入盐,甜酱,仔姜片,红椒块,干椒节以及水,放入鸭血粑焖至入味,淋红油、香油盛入碗内,撒葱花即成。砂锅鸭血豆腐[材料]:豆腐60克、熟鸭血50克、熟瘦猪肉、熟胡萝卜各20克、 水发木耳10克、上汤250克、香油、酱油、盐、料酒适量、 葱花2克、水淀粉5克。 [作法]: 1、将豆腐、鸭血切成条,瘦猪肉、胡萝卜、木耳切成丝; 2、在砂锅内加入汤,放入所有的料,烧开撇去浮汤末,加入 调料,改文火慢炖,最后加入香油、葱花。 [特点]鸭血、豆腐含有丰富的蛋白质、钙、铁。清淡、口感爽滑。适合2-5岁宝宝作正餐主菜。菠菜鸭血豆腐汤原料:鸭血、豆腐、菠菜、枸杞做法:1、菠菜洗净,切段,鸭血、豆腐切片,待用。2、砂锅内放适量高汤,下鸭血、豆腐、枸杞炖煮,将熟时,放入菠菜,调味后再煮片刻,即成。注意: 菠菜最好在沸水中先焯1分钟,除去其中的草酸,再放在汤里与蛋白质食品同煮。功效:菠菜营养价值很高,可预防便秘,水焯后加芝麻油调配便有较好的作用。但是对一些肠胃虚弱、身体瘦弱的人来说,单吃菠菜并不能获得良好效果。鸭血是铁含量最丰富的食物,蛋白质含量高,而且具有清洁血液的能力,与菠菜搭配,可增强其营养和保健效果。豆腐富含钙和蛋白质,也具有清火作用。三者搭配既能提供充足的营养,又能帮助人体排污,热量低,口感好,适合夏季保健。回答:材料:鸭子(去内脏)半只、鸭血豆腐一盒、白萝卜一根(大)、豆芽半斤(绿豆、黄豆均可)、米线半斤、葱姜若干。步骤:1.鸭子洗净放沸水里"紧"一下,去血沫,鸭血切小块焯一下去血沫。葱姜洗净豆芽萝卜洗净备用。2.沙锅放水,加入葱姜煮。3.鸭子切块,放沙锅里开炖。这时可以撇去鸭油。这步没做油水全靠萝卜吸收了4.八成熟时加入切好的鸭血和萝卜同煮。开到翻水花即关小火力,放豆芽菜。4.米线在水里浸泡 1~2分钟。5.加入米线同时放盐,如果喜欢的话可以加味精或鸡精。6.关火,品尝美味豆芽菜 :味甘性凉,含植物蛋白、维生素较多,常烹炒、凉拌、煎汤食用,有助于消腻、利尿、降脂。鸭肉:性平和而不热,脂肪高而不腻。它富含蛋白质、脂肪、铁、钾、糖等多种营养素,有清热凉血、祛病健身之功效。白萝卜:营养丰富,药用广泛。医书中说,萝卜具有"下气、定喘、祛痰、消食、除胀、利便、止气痛"等功效。这里有另外一篇

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