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333 评论


看这个吧 !Good !Very good JThat was good.Not bad-Well done.That was a little better, but...That's much better, but you forgot something when you pronouncedDon't you think you have made a little progress?Nearly right, but you'd better...That was not quite right, you didn't...That doesn't sound very good.Not really ! /Not quite! /Watch me and I'll show you.Issuing a commandBy yourself. This is practice for the exam.Books closed.Back into groups, each person can say it in turn.You work in twos with two pictures.Silence.Quiet please.Stop now.Watch how I write it.Watch how to do it.Now, turn round, face the back ) without looking at the boardListen to me and I'll explain the meaning of the word.Let me use the picture to show its meaning.The word ends in 'tion' so it must be a noun-Let's see if you can guess. I'll give you an example: -.We can use this sentence to express -.What does it mean in the context? It's clear that the man used it to blame the boy.Look at the picture here- The man is standing by the window. Perhaps he is interested inWhat is happening in the street.What might happen in a few minutes? The boy is getting angry with Mary.There are three people sitting by the river. They are looking at the ship. The ship is very beautiful.

294 评论


Hello children! 小朋友们好! Listen to me carefully! 专心听我说. Be quiet! 请安静. All right! 好的. Who can try to speak this word? 谁来试着说这个单词? Very good! 非常好. Stop talking now. 现在先不要说话. Do you know? 你(你们)知道吗? Look at the blackboard. 看黑板. Turn to page___. 翻开课本第__页. Come here. 过来这里. Put up your hands. 举起你们的手. Yes or no? 对还是错。 Look at your book.看你(你们)的书。 Come in please。请进 Can you? 行吗 Go on。 继续。 Are you ready? 准备好了吗? Uderstand? 明白了吗? Loudly。 说大声些。 以前我们老师最经常说这些话了。。自己整理的。。

134 评论


提高小学英语课堂教学的有效性,教师应从以下几方面考虑:  一、课堂教学活动要目标明确新课程理念下,基础教育阶段英语课程的总体目标是:培养学生的综合语言运用能力,学生能够用英语做事情是课堂教学目标达成的主要体现。在小学英语课堂教学中,教师广泛采用贴近学生生活的,易于学生参与体验的任务型教学活动  二、情境创设要真实便于操作,合理分配时间。新课程提倡创设真实、具有挑战性的开放的教学环境和问题情境。要求教师从学生的生活经验和已有的知识出发,创设生动有趣的教学情境,引导学生开展观察、操作、猜想、推理、交流等活动,使学生通过学习活动,掌握基本的知识和技能。创设符合教学内容贴近学生生活的真实的教学情境是小学英语课堂实施有效教学的重要途径。小学英语教学中,主要有借助实物和图像创设的教学情境,借助动作(活动)创设的教学情境,借助语言创设的教学情境

152 评论


  • 英语课堂指令培训


    尚居装饰 4人参与回答 2024-04-24
  • 英语课堂教学指令培训

    Hello children! 小朋友们好! Listen to me carefully! 专心听我说. Be quiet! 请安静. All right!

    枫叶e宝宝 3人参与回答 2024-04-23
  • 英语课堂指令

    1.请举手。Raise your hands./ Put your hands up. 2.请坐。Sit down./ Stand up. 3.请坐好。Sit

    hylandstar 4人参与回答 2024-04-24
  • 课堂指令英语

    1. Beginning class 开始上课l Stand up, please. 起立!l Sit down, please

    漫游的Alice 6人参与回答 2024-04-24
  • 英语课堂常用指令

    导语:初中英语教师上课的时候经常会用到一些常用的口语,久而久之,就有教师整理出了相关材料,希望对各位教师有帮助。 一、鼓励 1. 你下次会做得更好。 You’l

    xiaotian0001 6人参与回答 2024-04-24